Friday, July 16, 2004

Understanding the Game

All-stars huh D?

You already know.

You kinda lost me there on that baseball part.

What do you mean?

What the hell does all that 4-3-6 triple play stuff mean?

(laughing) was 4-6-3 DOUBLE play!!

Yeah..what’s that??

Baseball has a scoring system that assigns numbers to every player on the field. The Pitcher is 1, the catcher 2, first baseman is 3 and so forth, like on this diagram.
It seems like the shortstop should be 5 and the third baseman 6 if you ask me.

Yeah well, it's not, so get used to it. The shortstop is 6, so when keeping a score sheet, instead of saying 2nd Baseman fields the ball, tosses to the shortstop who touches the 2nd base bag and throws the batter out at 1st base, you just say, 4-6-3..double play.

Oh..okay..I see what you’re talking about now.That was a nice little breakdown of that E.K.Bailey conference’re really getting deep into that religion these days huh?

I consider it getting deep into that Bible..but I can see why you would say that.

What’s the difference?

Religion is man’s construct and application for God’s will, the Bible is the Word of God.

I still don’t get it.

If you focus too much on man and man made things, such as church structures, denominations, ministers and such, you can get lost or turned off by the fallacies of mortals. There are a lot of God fearing folks who get so caught up in the politics of religion, that they are easily led astray from the ultimate commandment because they don’t study and apply God’s Word for themselves.

What’s the ‘ultimate commandment’??

The first one…’Thou shalt have no other God before me.’

Aww, that’s easy! I ain’t about to be bowing down to no statues or snakes and junk like that!

Yeah..but do you bow down to God?


Exactly. ‘uhh’, if you can’t even remember the last time you got down on your knees and prayed to God then chances are you have another god before Him.’s not like I’m a bad person or anything.

I didn’t say you were..I’m just saying that no matter what it is you do, or what denomination or church you belong to, the litmus test to determine where your faith lies is in one question.

What question is that?

After all is said and done, and you get through doing whatever it is you do..who gets the glory? It shouldn’t be your minister, or your priest, or your Sunday School teacher, or your kids, your parents..all of that is temporal.

I don’t bow down to NO man!!

Sometimes it might even be you. That’s what Satan’s main problem is, he didn’t want to bow down to God, he wanted all the glory for himself. Just like it’s easy for us to go into ‘selfish’ mode and just live for ourselves, without any true reverence to the Almighty.

C’mon now! This is the age of the ‘scrilla fer rilla!’ Most folks (church’s too) got their mind on their money and their money on their mind.

I know..that’s why I’m reminding YOU not to fall into that trap. Wealth can give you more earthly freedom, but you gotta look past your time here.

All that talking about death and the afterlife is something for old folks like my grandma them to do. Young folks are just trying to LIVE and enjoy life mane! You can’t enjoy life that GOD gave us if you’re broke.

Like I said, everybody should be diligent workers and strive for success, but what does it profit a man to gain the whole wide world, yet lose his soul? You’re going to be ‘dead’ a LOT longer than you’re going to be alive mane. Thank about it.

So now you’re saying that people trying to get money are evil??

No, I’m saying the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. If you’re putting money before God..then you already know who’s NOT getting the glory. God doesn’t want any ‘leftovers’ He wants our best. Once I really meditated on what that meant, it made me readjust my outlook on life.

What? Are you supposed to be some kinda prophet of God or something now?

No..I’m just another soul trying to make it to heaven just like the next person. I just know that God blessed me with some skills, and it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t do all I could to uplift His name.

(smiling) That Jesus is so good to ya that you can’t keep it to yo’self huh?

You already know! I spent a lot of my life in the stands as a spectator, but once I really meditated on God, and got into His Word, I couldn’t just stand on the sidelines and just watch any more. I had to jump into the game..that’s what real players do.