Monday, June 28, 2004

Spiritual Maturity

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. - Hebrews 5:12-14

The reader base is continually growing, all thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for putting it down for me. Of all the things that I seek to accomplish when I put pen to paper, my ultimate goal is making sure everyone knows my Strength and my Redeemer. I know a lot of the way I write and communicate is of a dialect and vernacular that is a bit ‘thuggish’ and mature, but please keep in mind that my directed audience is for all those street soldiers out there in the world. God has blessed me to be born into an army of Christian believers, right here in the Southside of Houston, Texas. Starting with my parents and throughout both sides of my genealogy, I live with and among devout Christian people and for that I’m grateful. I know that there are a lot of people who have never been exposed to Jesus up close and personal like I have. A lot of people have never seen their grandfather get down on his knees and pray a prayer of complete submission and willful obedience. They’ve never seen their mother or grandmothers get full of the Spirit in church and collapse in tears of joy. They’ve never been taught the Word of Christ by their father like I have. They’ve never seen people put the Word into real life action. I often ponder the strength of my spirituality if my birth circumstances were different. What if I was born into a North Korean family of atheists? What have I done to deserve the blessing of being born into a Christian family? What have others done to deserve the misfortune of being born into an idol worshipping culture and family? Pondering the randomness of birth and circumstance will make a lot of people hesitant to embrace the Christian path of salvation. Having parents and grandparents who didn’t believe in or follow the teachings of Jesus Christ would make any person reluctant to even listen to what the Christian message is all about.

Our Sunday school lessons these past few weeks have been out of the book of Hebrews. In this book, the writer is exhorting all of the early Jewish Christians to keep the path of the Gospel, even though it came under the New Covenant, and not their Old Covenant. Everybody ain’t ready to open their ears to a change; instead the safe thing is to do whatever your mama and daddy are doing. Serve like they serve, worship like they worship. Hebrews shows that this is not a mandated occurrence. When that Holy Spirit pricks your heart and allows you to receive the Word for what it is, the complete and inerrant Word of God, then you can move on towards the glory.

Speaking of these things will turn some non-believers off. Instead they would rather avoid us ‘Jesus freaks’ altogether and act as if we’re speaking a foreign language addressed to the air whenever the topic of the Christ pops up.

You should come to church with me one Sunday; I think you would enjoy it. know, I’m not one for all that church and organized meeting and stuff. It seems like all of them are talking about how everybody else is going to’s all too random to me.

A lot of people refuse to address their belief. Instead they’ll casually acknowledge the presence of a Supreme Being, but they never seek to define their spiritual awareness. Invariably these same people start groping and praying the hardest when trouble or misfortune comes their way. Let one of those felony arrest warrants get issued for them, or that doctor tell them some news that they weren’t ready to handle. It seems whenever we’re faced with the burdens of life that threaten to sink us into the depths of pain and misery that we find our voice to cry out the loudest for God to come to our rescue. To strengthen us. To guide us.

Lord, please, I won’t do wrong anymore, just PLEASE Lord, deliver me from this dark pit.

Trying times will make us damn near wear our kneecaps out because we’re down on our knees so frequently and fervently. But yet, once those clouds start scattering, and that sunshine and happiness starts coming back into our life. God who? Oh..yeah, umm..look here, I give Him some time..’God is great, God is good, let us thank you for our food. Amen.’ How about that? I’ll say that before I eat..most of the time. And I’ll even get down and say my prayers at night ‘Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.’ See, that’s almost 2 whole minutes a day! I’m serving mane! I BELIEVE! God is strong! God is GOOD! Huh? Uhh..well you know, Sunday is my only day to really relax and get thangs done around the house..I don’t like going to church, they take too many offerings…It’s too much of a fashion show, I don’t like their service…That preacher is sleeping with almost all the women in the church, I ain’t got time for all that….That pastor over there was caught him on tape talking about going to them places where them lil boys be dancing on tables…My hair wasn’t done..I didn’t have anything to wear…I be sleep. The excuses for why we don’t take time to worship, honor and exalt the Lord are never-ending. Fortunately, attending church is not a requirement for salvation. Salvation comes by faith and faith alone. If anybody tells you different, send them to the Statement of Faith on and tell em to holla at D.( I STAY ready to explain the reason for my faith.

At some point in our lives, we ALL have to step back and re-examine what our parents have taught us to believe. Some people are in a quandary, because their mama is telling them Jesus is real, and their daddy is telling them He’s not, and they’re confused. This is one of the products of mixed marriages, spiritual confusion. Parents are supposed to train their child in the way that they should go, but when you have parents who disagree on The Way..there’s going to be added difficulties. Just something to think about for all ya’ll singles out there..because what may seem like a minor difference between two people, can potentially manifest into a major identity problem with children produced from the union. I have several friends and family members who are participants and/or products of spiritually mixed marriages, and I would think they would all agree that their lives would be a lot simpler if the issue of dissenting faiths was not present. Those who are currently part of a mixed marriage of faiths, don’t get offended. I’m not tripping, because the Word that I follow says that no matter the differences in a marriage, the Christian believer is supposed to remain faithful, no matter what. There are a lot of married Christians dealing with non-believing spouses and they’re having a hard time. In our Sunday School class, our teacher even told of the devout Christian wife who prayed constantly for the Lord to touch her husband and bring him on in from running the streets. Her husband ended up having a series of strokes, that caused him to be bedridden and requiring her care and attendance for the next 20+ years. That’s a prime example of how you need to be careful of what you pray for ya’ll.

One of the common draws of today’s churches is promised prosperity.

Come to church, give your tithes, and God will bless you with wealth and riches.

Pray like Jabez and get paid n’ga!

That ain’t it ya’ll. I mean, God WILL hook you up, but the real prize has nothing to do with material wealth, but rather eternal salvation. And once you’re faced with the reality of having to go before God for yourself one day and give account for all the things you’ve ever done, you better have a plan n’ga, God ain’t trying to hear none of that..

I didn’t know!!!

Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law mane. If them laws pull your az over for doing 110 mph down highway 288, they ain’t trying to hear that, ‘Oh..I didn’t know what the speed limit was, I’m from out of town!’ Click click. Tell that bullsh’t to the judge n’ga.

If you have the presence of mind to bow down and pray, then you have the presence to seek Him. It doesn’t matter what type of family you grew up in, or where you live, all will hear the call of Christ. Some folks hear it everyday, some folks may get it one time in their life, but when you hear it, you can’t ever say ‘I never knew’. This may be your time right now, to get to know more about Him. Don’t keep putting it off, waiting until you get older, or until you’ve done all the dirt you want to do. Come as you are, because tomorrow is promised to no man. Don’t be that fool stuck outside banging on the door screaming ‘Lord, Lord!’ begging to be let inside the gates of Heavens and God looks at you and says, ‘I never knew you’. He heard from you when your child was sick, He could hear you crying when your marriage was in shambles, or when your finances and career were in ruins, but somehow, you lost contact with Him. Oh He’s ALWAYS there for ya, but how often do you knock on His door? Only when you need something huh? Or maybe whenever you feel alone and afraid? Don’t play God for the fool and don’t fool yourself. There is no lukewarm or ‘kinda’ have faith. Either you believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, for whosever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life, or you don’t.

A lot of readers are Christian believers, there’s also Muslims, Jews, Taoists, New Agers, atheists, agnostics, hell, it might even be some Branch Davidians for all I know. I hope my writing encourages all of ya’ll Christian believers out there to remain steadfast and unmovable in your faith. Thanks for sending the address link to all of your church email groups, work groups and family. I know a majority of the growing number of visitors to servinemup is because of you and I’m grateful for all your love and help. A lot of my strength is gained from your presence and fellowship and I really appreciate all of ya’ll kinfolk. Fo real.

For the rest of the readers who don’t believe that Jesus is the last and Ultimate High Priest? Keep riding wit me baby, because I’m steady knocking on your mind making sure ya feel where I’m coming from. Some people stop dropping in regularly, because I’ve become too ‘churchy’ with my delivery, but yet they still come by every now and then, just to browse through and see what I’m up to. I’m glad you’re here too kinfolk, I’ve got love for all. Because the stark truth that I live, is that no matter if I bomb or bust, I know in my heart that all things work together for good for them that love God, to them who are called according to HIS purpose. That’s not mine...that’s Romans 8:28. Once you can feel that one, you’ll become a lot stronger and more spiritually mature.