Holeup now D!!
What’s up?
Before you write another word, we need to talk about a few thangs.
Aiight..go ahead.
First of all, where the hell is that church Rev. Janky preached at supposed to be??
You know, that one you put out about Rev. Janky Jus Got Outta Jail, where you and your wife went to that church with those freak-mama greeters???
Naw podna, that wasn’t ME and MY wife, that was just some dude and his wife.
Some dude?
Yeah, some unnamed dude who was narrating the short story. Rev. Janky is FICTION mane, that’s not real life.
Oh. Well what about that part about your Big Daddy healing your Big Mama’s 6th finger??
Now THAT'S all the way real right there.
C’mon now! You expect people to believe in all that ‘healing miracles’ mumbo jumbo?? You’re starting to sound like one of those weirdos slapping people upside the forehead on TV!!
Look mane, all I can tell you is that when you call on the name of the Lord, ALL things are possible.
Yeah..but c’mon now mane! Have you ever SEEN any ‘miraculous’ healing like that?
No..but I’ve seen the Spirit move a congregation of people several times.
(smirking) Oh yeah? Move them where??
To a higher place.
So you’re trying to tell me that you saw God pick a church up off the ground?
No, not in the literal sense, but the Spirit definitely moved us higher.
And why do you call it the Spirit?? You make God seem like a ghost or something.
The Spirit is just one of the 3 parts that compromise God.
Oh right!!! There you go with that ‘Christian’ thing, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit right?
Already!!…why are you shaking your head?
I dunno, I mean, I know you’re a pretty smart guy and all, but for someone as intelligent as you to fall for some ridiculous theology like that..I dunno.
What part do you find ridiculous?
Okay, so Christianity is supposed to be a monotheistic religion right?
That’s right, there is only ONE God.
But you just agreed, there’s THREE: the Father, the Son and the Spirit..3 is greater than one mane. That’s not ‘mono’, that’s ‘poly’.
No, it’s not.
Oh no?? Why not?
Well, let’s take the sun as an example. God created the sun right?
No doubt.
Well if you used the sun as a model for the Holy Trinity, God the Father would be the actual sun, which man cannot see.
What do you mean we can’t see?
N’ga, you can’t look at the sun with your naked eye, it shines too brightly.
Oh..yeah, I see what you mean.
But even though you can’t SEE the sun, you can see it’s light that it shines.
Well, the light is representative of the Son, Jesus Christ.
Mm..okay. But what about that Spirit part?
The Spirit would be like the heat that you feel from the sun. sun-light-heat, Father-Son-Spirit…3=1.
That’s a pretty cool analogy, you d’mn near sound like a preacher the way you broke that down.
I’m just repeating what I heard from my father.
Is he a preacher?
No, he’s one of my Sunday School teachers. He used that analogy in our Sunday School class this past week.
Oh. I haven’t read the Sunday School lesson for this week yet.
Aww cuz, you’re missing out!!!
Why?? What’s going on??
We’re starting into the book of Hebrews.
Oh yeah? What’s that talking about?
Hebrews is one of the strongest training books of the New Testament.
What do you mean, ‘training’??
Hebrews uses Old Testament scriptures to reinforce the gospel of Christ.
Old Testament? Isn’t Hebrews part of the Old Testament?
Naw cuz, Hebrews is in the New Testament.
What’s the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament?
Over 400 years separated the final events (Neh. 13:4-30) and final prophecy (Mal. 1:1-4:6) recorded in the Old Testament from the beginning actions (Luke 1:5-25) narrated in the New Testament (ca.424- 26 B.C.).
That sounds 'janky' right there.
Why would God be silent for so long then 'all of a sudden' start back up with having prophets write the Bible?? That's the part that makes Christianity seem like something that MEN made up!
Well, if you read over in Daniel (Dan. 2:24,45; 7:1-28; 8:1-27; 11:1-35) you'll see where Daniel prophesied of this period of silence to exact precision. Even though the voice of God was silent, the hand of God was actively directing the course of events during those centuries.
Well, how do you know it's not going to be some more Bible? You know, like the 3rd Testament or something?
Because if you read in Revelations, you'll see where God lays out the plan for eternity. There's nothing more to say or do after that, the Book is closed. And if anybody adds or takes away from the Word of God? You need to pray for them, cuz God is going to deal very harshly with them (Rev 22:18,19).
So the Sunday School lesson starts in Hebrews huh? What's that written in..Hebrew?
No, the Greco-Roman empire was controlling most of the free world when the New Testament was written. Greek was the universal language of commerce and communication then.
So why is the book called Hebrews then?
Probably because it’s written toward converting Jewish believers from the traditional customs of Judaism, to the good news of the risen Savior and His new covenant. It’s not an easy thing for people who have never seen Jesus to believe in Him, especially the ones who are following the same religion as their fathers and grandfathers. The apostles had to dig deep and show them the blueprint of God’s plan throughout the Old Testament. All of which points to the Messiah.
That’s all in Hebrews?
And more!! It’s not too late to jump in either, we’re just getting started in the first chapter this week!
Alright mane, I guess it won’t be too much trouble to check out Sunday School class.
I’m just saying mane. For a n’ga to tell me he loves God, but then never goes to church, never studies his Bible, never listens to ministers on the radio/TV or never even reads the Sunday School lessons on servinemup.com??..that’s saying one thing, but DOING another right there.
Yeah..I hear ya, but you know everybody ain’t a man on fire about that Word like you are D.
I know..everybody hasn’t felt that Spirit touch their heart.
I thought you said you’ve never actually seen one of those healings before??
I haven’t, not for my own eyes in the physiological sense. But like I told you earlier, I HAVE felt that Spirit take me and a whole bunch of folks to a higher place.
Was ya’ll all popping some pills or smoking a pipe or something??
No, actually the last time I’ve felt it move a group was at my Big Daddy’s funeral.
The one that healed your Big Mama’s hand?
What did the Spirit do? Make you dance? Make you talk in tongues?
No..it took me to a place that was so glorious, that all I could do was cry because it felt so good. I’ve never done any drug that could ever give me that kinda high.
How did the Spirit get you up there like that?
Through a song that my cousin Jamar sang a cappella at the service.
What was the song?
My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord.
I think I’ve heard that song before….did your cousin tear it up?
Did he?? Mane..all of the servinemup.com readers that were in that church in El Dorado, Arkansas on that cold December day in 2002 when we laid the late Bishop Sam Scott, Sr. (aka Big Daddy), to rest? Ya’ll already know!!!