Sunday, July 20, 2003


Just like MOST black, professional (working) men, I've been quite intrigued by the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case. When the news first broke about the allegations and him turning himself in to mind did an immediate summation and judgement from the information given. Okay...19 year old Colorado hotel worker female from a middle class family is CLAIMING that Kobe 'sexual assualted' her.

I don't know this woman, NEVER met her, I don't know ANYTHIING about her..all I know is that she's 19...was working at a hotel in Colorado(in what capacity, I don't know) and that she's from a middle class family. I know that Kobe is an NBA SUPERSTAR. The son of an ex-NBA player Jelly Bean Bryant. Kobe spent a great part of his childhood in Italy...while his father was hustling to play ball in Europe..Kobe was growing up with a full belly and all the spoils of being a professional basketball player's claimed & named son. On top of all that..Kobe had SKILLS! Everybody can't be 6'7". Everybody don't have a KILLER J. Everybody can't run the court with the grace of a gazelle. Everybody ain't scaid. Everybody ain't able to SKIP college completely and go STRAIGHT to being an NBA lottery pick. Everybody ain't got..RANGS.

So here's Kobe..a young black man that's SEEN the international flavor of the world and then came and lived and graduated from high school in Philly. Most black athletes that grew up in an affluent= (non-ghetto:crack situation: poor:all black) environment..(i.e. Grant Hill, Tiger Woods,etc.) all they KNOW is non-black women. Kobe is no different...with the European environment that he was exposed to..he never had the cultural taboo of (Boy..leave them white (non-black) girls alone! They ain't nothing but trouble!) impressed upon him. His wife is Hispanic, the 19 year old that pressed charges on him for sexual assualt is non-black. (I'm ASSUMING she's white...)

Kobe isn't one of those ignorant...cracked covered..can't bust 800 on the SAT..If I didn't hoop I'd be criming.. type brothers. He's intelligent..well heart...can d'mn near speak 3 languages fluently, type brothers. To the lay doesn't even make logical sense for him to try and FORCE sex (or anything else for that matter) from a woman. EVERYBODY knows who he much money he makes..and how much earning potential he has.

Kobe's first public statement via his lawyer after the charges was. ""I am innocent of the charges filed today. I did not assault the woman who is accusing me. I made the mistake of adultery. I have to answer to my wife and my God for my actions that night and I pray that both will forgive me. Nothing that happened June 30th was against the will of the woman who now falsely accuses me"... Here in the majority black Southside Houston, most people look at Kobe's case and says.."That girl (and her family) are trying to get paid."..from that SAME majority have a large faction (mostly women) that says.."Umm hmm. that's what Kobe gets for messing around with them white (non-black) girls!"

Personally, I ain't mad at Kobe...but a bit astonished. Because I would have THOUGHT, that a man with his position would have the sense enough not to even put himself in the situation where some OTHER woman could come between him and his wife. In true PLAYER fashion..Kobe's wife appeared WITH him at the ESPY awards even after the allegations were released. Whomever God has brought together in marriage, let no man (or woman!) pull asunder. Kobe is wrong for committing adultery..that we know. But so much of the legal system and cultural opionion is apologetic towards the adulterous (& prosperous) MALE..that we look past that and instead, scrutinize and berate the female..."That's just a crazy money grubbing white slut that got mad at Kobe after they 'hit'"

The BIGGEST picture is what's right in the eyes of the Lord. Adultery-fornication-sex with ANYBODY that you're not MARRIED a sin. God made a point to make it a COMMANDMENT. A lot of people know want to assuage and validate those 'adulterous' hearts..."heh-heh(chuckling)..a MAN is going to be a MAN...even if you're not MARRIED to them,if you LOVE is okay...this is between TWO consenting adults,God ain't got no beef with this!"

"For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end, she is bitter as wormwood. Sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death.Her steps lay hold of hell." - Proverbs 5: 3-5

As another brother walking this earth..I'm in AWE of Kobe..because with MY mind and desires..if I was put in a similar situation in life where d'mn near every single woman I'm around is WITH it if I just say the word...I don't know how I would handle being around the Beyonce-Ashanti-Vivica's clamoring for attention in every city. My prayers go out to brother Kobe, his beautiful wife Vanessa and the accuser and her family ..if ya'll grow stronger together in the Word of'll be alright.

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