One of the objectives I set out for myself when I ventured into writing publicly via the forum, was to at all costs avoid being boring.
I considered the opportunity to not only educate and entertain (i.e. Prices at the Pump, Hittin Licks), but to also delve into the spiritual realm of thought and meditation (i.e. Soldiers in the Hood, Convictions, Dope and Jesus the Christ, Ride Wit Me.) I really do try my best, but I was worried that I was so far 'out there', that nobody would be able to really feel me. So I decided to put some material out to a sample audience, just to see how it goes.
Unlike most relatively 'obscure' writers, I was blessed to have a large preset ‘te
st’ audience.
My mother’s side of the family, the infamous Scott family of El Dorado Arkansas pulls a triple digit audience in itself, when you consider all the aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, in-laws, out-laws, cousins, distant cousins and friends of the family who are close enough to be considered related. Being down with the Scott’s comes with a lot of supportive energy and prayers.
My big daddy, the late Bishop Sam Scott of Triumph the Church, left us all with a grip for an inheritance. Because of him and Big Mama, we have a large family. They had 12 children and the family has multiplied enormously. It’s even wilder when you consider that both Big Daddy and Big Mamma grew up as orphans.
My Aunt C, the youngest daughter of the Scott 12, is a jazz singer in
“You’ve got to feed off the energy nephew.”
It’s one thing to write engaging prose. The realer you keep it, the better. But the challenging part is when you turn that camera inward, and meditate on how you REALLY feel about things.
“I can’t teach a (bleep) how to fly a plane,
If I ain’t never been up in the cockpit, ya feeling me mane?” – Z-RO
When you start studying and meditating on the Word of God, you’re likely to catch a ‘possession’ case.
Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God
When you meditate on the Bible daily, like God ALWAYS meant us to do, there is a strengthening of your conviction that can not be substituted by any physical conditioning or weekly TV preacher.
Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
There is NOTHING like studying the Bible for yourself.
And the more you study it, the more serious your possession case becomes. And then when you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, that’s when you catch a full blown felony case. You’re IN the game for Christ.
Satan doesn’t like it when you get saved. And he gets really busy around you when you start making those steps toward the Lord. Playing smothering defense against you and your quest to grow stronger in the Lord.
Reading the Bible makes me sleepy!!
I’m too tired to go to Bible study.
I don’t go to church because organized religion is JANKY.
Trust me, the devil does not want anyone to be happy in the Lord. He wants you to remain in uncertainty and unbelief.
Because when you believe the report that Isaiah and all of the other Old Testament prophets spoke of, you will know God’s plan of the virgin who conceived and bore the Savior of the world, Immanuel which means ‘God is with us.’
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Felony cases are some serious charges that the world will bring against you. And on the whole different level of possession is when you catch one of those possession with Intent to Distribute charges.
"If I don't do nuthin imma ball
I'm countin all day like a clock on the wall
Now go and get your money little duffle bag boy" - Duffle Bag Boy, Playaz Circle feat. Lil Wayne
In the Christian realm, foot soldiers are sent to the frontline of the battle. Hitting the wilderness with the mission to spread the Word.
Battling against un-belief.
Serving the ‘gospel of Christ’..that real money.
One of the elder deacons at my church says ALL the time, ‘Only the things we do for Christ are going to last.”
Of course, the Christian faith has literally thousands of different denominations and ‘movements’. From progressives, to Catholics, to Baptists, to Full Gospel, there are a lot of titles and nomenclatures that people assume in the name of Jesus.
I really try not to get into all the division, I just focus on the Bible and being true to God’s Word. A lot of church folks and Christians have shown disapproval of the way I get down with the pen, but that’s all good too. I never mean to offend anyone. We all must serve in the manner in which we are called.
I believe that once you’re enlisted in God’s army, we all have the same command to serve God. Go ye therefore and teach all nations (Matthew 28:19)
But just like there’s the unity of serving one God, one faith and one baptism (Ephesians 4:5); I also know we all have our own individual missions that God prepares us for.
Some soldiers get sent to
We can not control where/when/what God will call us to do. Instead, our charge is to be willing to be led by the Spirit of the Lord.
Now, go and get your ‘money’ little duffle bag boys.