Well…the first step is to have a goal.
Yeah..something to strive for..to achieve.
I have goals.
That’s good…but do you have A goal??
Uhh..yeah, to be rich.
Okay..what do you mean ‘rich’?
You know..to have a lot of money.
So..what are you going to do with all that money?
Buy a big house, have a Hummer..an Escalade..a Porsche..a Rolls..a Jaguar
Hmm..rolling BIG body huh?
You know it! Gotta have that bubble eyed Benz!
Alright..you got that money flowing…now what??
Get me some fresh clothes, buy my momma a house and sit her down so she don’t have to work no more, travel around the world, make sure I got the biggest diamond earrings
Bling bling!! huh?(sarcastically)
Yep! I’m go have all my dogs around me, so they don’t have to work. Have me a fly honey…like Ashanti..and just sit back and chill.
Hmm..what about after that?
After what?? I’m go have so much money, I won’t EVER be broke!!
Naw..that’s not what I mean..I’m talking about what about after all those lavish cribs, fly rides, cute honeys, blinging diamonds..what about when you start growing older..40..50..60 and so on.
Well, I’m go have the BEST medical care there is..I’m go STAY in tiptop shape, ain’t go be no fat gut for me!
You do realize, that no matter how much money you have, there WILL come a day when your heart is going to stop beating?
Oh..well..I’m go have one of them PLATINUM caskets with diamonds rolled down the sides!
Yeah..I hear you keep talking about that casket and all your homies pouring out a lil liquor in your memoriam. but what about YOU??
What do you mean, ‘What about ME??” I’m go be DEAD!!
So..what do you think happens when you die?
Uhh..hell, I don’t know..I guess it’s going to be like being asleep or something.
So you think everybody who’s dead is just asleep forever?
Naww, I guess at some point we all have to move on to heaven.
So..you think EVERYBODY is going to heaven or just you??
Well..since I’m a good person I’ll go to heaven just like all the other good people of the world.
What’s your definition of a ‘good’ person??
I’m not a criminal..I don’t steal or kill folks..you know act bad.
So..’good’ folks go to Heaven and ‘bad’ folks go to hell?
And who determines who’s good or bad?
God..of course!
How do you know all of this is true?
Well, cuz my parents taught me about God and the Bible.
The Bible??
Yeah..God’s book.
So you’ve read it?
Not all of it..some of it. Why, do YOU believe in God??
With all my heart and soul.
Have YOU read the Bible?
Yes, I’ve read it from front to back and I try to make sure I continually read it everyday
Man!! How do you stay interested through all that..’begat’ stuff???
Well, the Bible is a book written by prophets inspired by God to record His word. It’s not like the newspaper or some book that you just pick up and accept at face value, you have to pray for understanding and for God to open your heart and mind to receive His word before you read it. You believe in God, so I assume you acknowledge the fact that God is THE Supreme Being.
Yeah..God is on that ‘other’ level.
No doubt..so a lot of the Bible was written while God’s people and prophets were enduring great duress and tribulation. The Bible is a documentation from the beginning to the end of what has happened, what IS happening and what will happen in the end.
Yeah! That’s what I was saying about being good and going to heaven!
But if you believe in God..and you believe that the Bible is God’s Word….then you should be made aware of some very distinct scriptures in the Bible, which deal with how us humans gain eternal life in Heaven.
Man, look here…I ain’t trying to hear no God squad mumbo jumbo about how we all need to just sit in a dark room and pray all the time and wait to die, cuz I ain’t trying to hear all that!
(laughing) What makes you think that that’s what I’m talking about??
Cuz all them ‘God squaders’ be going around like Jehovah Witness’..talking about you better ‘repent’ and give all your money to God and stuff. I ain’t trying to hear that! My uncle was a Muslim with Malcolm X and he let me in on all the ways those blonde haired, blue eyed devils have used the Bible and Christianity to hold black folks back for YEARS! All the while they’re slaving and oppressing Negroes, they’re also feeding them that ‘turn the other cheek’ ‘do not kill’ 24-7 to keep them from uprising against them.
Well..the Bible DOES say that we should love our enemies as well as our friends. And that even though a person or people does us wrong, we should pray for them and not seek vengeance..vengeance is the Lord’s.
See! That’s what I mean! That’s some sh’t the white man made up to use at his convenience so that he can take over the world… What are you LAUGHING at??
Well..(chuckling) I’m laughing because I agree with a lot of the things your uncle taught you. There’s a LOT of people that have pimped the Bible and Christianity to further their personal and worldly gains. But if you get so hooked up on those devils and false prophets and stray from the Word…well, that’s exactly what the enemy wants you to do.
So you agree with me about the white man being the enemy?
No..I don’t.
Well, who do YOU think is the enemy?
Evil is the enemy and Satan is its leader. But evil doesn’t have a color..it comes in ALL colors.
So how are you supposed to know who’s evil and who’s not?
Hmm..now THAT is the task!! Because people want to paint Satan as a demonic hooved creature with horns and a sinister sneer, when actually Satan was one of the most beautiful and intelligent angels..and he knows how to come at people and make evil look good and attractive, so us ‘good’ people have to be strong in the Word to avoid the many traps, pratfalls and deceitful paths that Satan has.. So…do you think you’re ready to ride and get on the battlefield for the Lord?
Um always ready to ride on them hatas!!!
Ready to ride huh? (smiling)
Well…if you’re going to be a SOLDIER, you’re going to have to put on the whole armor of God…are you ready for that??
Yeah!! Where is it?? (looking around the room quizzically)
The directive for SOLDIERS is right here…(and he pulled out a well worn Bible). Eventually, you need to read ALL of this…but for now, since you’re so ready to ‘ride’, let’s look in Ephesians..6:10-18
10 Finally my bretheren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Man..that don’t say nothing about no GUNS!! You can’t fight off them haters if you ain’t got no GAT!!
Yes it does…the ‘gat’ that you’re looking for is ‘the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.’
Aww man! You can’t fight NOBODY with no Bible!! They ain’t go do nothing but shoot you and TAKE your Bible AND your money!
Well..until you release your mind from ‘worldly’ thinking and focus on God and His will, you won’t be able to understand and join in the battle.
So are you trying to tell me that YOU can stop bullets and fists and knives with this Bible?
I’m telling you that the REAL battle is not of the flesh..its for the soul. The time you spend away from your body is going to be a LOT longer than the time you spend IN your body on this Earth. So many people put all their time and energy into these worldly possessions and treasures and they never focus on the eternal. The soul is forever podna..this body ain’t. Now the choice you need to make is WHERE you want your soul to reside for eternity.
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