December 21, 2004
First of all, I'd like to give a warm welcome to all of the first time visitors to servinemup. My name is D.E. Washington and I've been blogging on the internet for about a year and a half. The blogging tool is a wonderful instrument for the novice writer to get valuable feedback from a diverse audience of readers. I've found that the life of a writer is very rewarding and also very demanding. Because there's a special power in the written word that makes it a very influential device. Some readers believe everything they read and take off, wiser readers know that just because somebody wrote it down doesn't always mean it's true.�He who writes the history books controls his-story. So much of what spills out of me when I pick up the pen is a direct release from my quest for truth and peace. Historically, I will be known as a Protestant African slave descendant from a working class Southern Baptist family from the Southside of Houston, Texas via Union County, Arkansas. I'm one of those Sola Scriptura folks, I believe the Holy Bible to be the complete and inerrant Word of God. That in itself puts me in a different category than most folks in the world. Some folks are already frowning up with doubt and disbelief ..
C'mon mane! You know them white folks have changed the Bible over the years to make it say what they want it to say.
Oh yeah? What part?
One of the major historical finds in the history of man was that of the Dead Sea Scrolls almost 60 years ago. The scrolls date back to the time period when Jesus walked the earth. The scrolls were from a conservative�community of Jews in Qumran�and when compared to the modern day translations of the Law and Prophets, the text were nearly identical save for a few grammatical discrepancies. The book of Isaiah was found completely intact and exact to the Isaiah that we have today. Isaiah is a very important prophet in Christianity, because more often than any other prophet or book of the Old Testament, Isaiah 'shot called' the coming of Emmanuel, 'God with us', over 500 years before Jesus was born (Is 7:14).
Much like myself, I know that the first leap of faith that must be made to reach Christ starts with the Word of God. Whose book are you going to believe? Because there's a lot of 'holy' books 'inspired' by God that people claim to have, but it's up to us to discern and determine which one is real. My premise is the same as Martin Luther's when he stood before the Diet of Worms in 1521
"Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God...God help me! Here I stand."
So look out ya' of those Southside soldiers has been reading and studying that Word, as well as Israeli and Greek history and I'm pimping this pen with the purpose of turning father's hearts back towards their children. Because of all the things going on in the world today, Iraq, economy, healthcare, violence, the REAL problem we have starts in our homes. That is where we are failing our children, but not training them up in the way that they should go, and I know God has put it on my heart to show people what I know about the sacrifices it takes to be real fathers.