The people who know me, know I get down with my pen.
Everyone in my inner circle knows about Servinemup Ink.
They might not have read everything I’ve published, but they’ve read SOMEthing.
I first jumped on the blogsphere, thanks to the urging of Okokon B. Okon III and implementation help from Trader Mike, two fellow Stanford alums, who were both Electrical Engineering majors (like me..go EE!!). At the time I wasn’t exactly sure how public I wanted to be with my writing, but I bit the nail and rolled servinemup.com out on the block.
The very first post was a welcome and a prayer.
Dear Reader,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to servinemup.com. Whether you're here by personal invitation or just happened to browse across this listing...thank you for coming. I hope that you enjoy the content & material.
- David Earl Washington, II
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." - Psalms 19:14
Since then, a lot of people have had issues with the manner in which I ‘got down’ on the pen. Just like some Christians don’t like how this brother ‘got down’ with these Mormons. (Doo-Rag Brother vs Mormons) http://thecomforter.info/main/index.php?option=com_xevgfx&func=detail&id=2
I used to spend a lot of time ‘defending’ myself and my methods. Via email, phone calls and face to face confrontations.
I’ve had to sit down behind closed doors with preachers and elders and some have given me grave warnings against publishing material such as contained in Intent to Distribute.
On the other end of the coin are potential investors who dig my prose, they just prefer ‘Jesus-free’ material. The wild part about that, is that a lot of em actually GO to a regular church service.
So like all big decisions in my life, I prayed on it.
I pray daily on it. That Psalms 19:14 is one of my daily staples.
All jokes and fun aside, I NEVER want to be the dude that’s spreading lies and false rumors.
So, I have a higher level of responsibility, because I know there’s a lot of dudes around me who look up to me as a spiritual ‘big brother’. They respect my faith and my walk and the way I get down on paper.
More so than anything, I know my challenge is to stay real.
Don’t front and try to act like something I’m not.
Be D.
It hasn’t all been grim and negative. God has also sent some encouragers in my life, supporters. People that’s ready to ‘get down’ with me. Some preachers and pastors have actually been very supporting of Servinemup Ink. A lot of family members and childhood friends have supported me and passed along the link to their distribution list, I get a LOT of love.
But the intended audience has always been the street world and my distribution manager Curvey has made sure that the brand is known on the street level. Barber shops, beauty shops, car detail shops, hustlers in the hood know what we’re serving.
These past 4 years have availed some things in our mission of serving up ink, that has had both of us tripping at times.
But despite it all, the testimony remains the same.
The great I AM manifested on earth in Jesus Christ.
Jesus IS God, there is no other person, path that you can go through and get to the Promised Land.
He was born of a virgin, He lived about 33 years in the Middle East, he preached, he taught, he healed, he delivered, he commissioned, he was tried, crucified and resurrected.
He hung out with selected disciples in his resurrected body for a few weeks, then he broke back (ascended) to heaven to prepare a place for all Believers once we die our mortal deaths.
People trip on a lot of different things, but THAT’s the gospel message.
A lot of Believers put it out there in different ways, but the main charge is that it’s gotta get out there. Everybody gotta hear it before it’s all over. Where there is no law, there is no sin.
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" - I Timothy 2:1-5
That’s the fervency that you see in a lot of Christians eyes when they testify to non-Believers.
If you knew a judgement was coming and your brother was ignorant to the laws, would you want him to stay ignorant or would you put him up on the game so he can have a chance to win too?
Real Game…for so many, it’s too hard to swallow.
Rest in peace Chad Butler known on the Southside as Pimp C.