I know a lot of people who visit servinemup.com for the first time get ‘thrown off’ a bit.
My delivery and content can come across as shocking to some, others just think I’m crazy as hell.
The real funny part, is that in my family’s perspective, I’m one of the nicest, sweetest, most mild-mannered dudes in the whole family...
Got a good education. Got a beautiful Christian wife, he didn’t run off and marry one of them white girls like a lot of black men do when they start making some money, beautiful kids that he take care of, know how to keep a good paying job, he don’t have a whole bunch of children spread out all over the place, all his children live up under the same roof with him and his wife and they’re all serving in the church and happy in the Lord, my nephew/cousin/grandson/brother/uncle D is a good strong Christian man.
At least, I used to be the clean cut one. But now a lot more of them know how I really get down. You get a whole different label when you’re found to be consorting with the inner family clique that’s most likely to do hard drugs.
I can’t BELIEVE he was down there in that hotel room with all those smokers!!
Somebody had said he was down there smoking crack too!!!
(laughing) ‘smoking crack’?? It’s funny when the stories start involving crack cocaine. Cuz I already told ya’ll, I only smoked crack ONCE, and that was on accident. And to even further my point, each occasion I was somewhere and somebody pulled out the crack to smoke, I always threw my hands up and said, ‘Ya’ll ngz trippin’ and left.
Actually, being a public writer has allowed me to be closer with my family.
They’ve learned some things about me from my writing that they didn’t know before. The intimacy of the written word reveals a lot more of a person’s character than can be expressed in 3 days at a bi-annual family reunion.
I even had one cousin come up to me shocked, “I didn’t even know you drank alcohol??”
Uhh..well..yeah, I do. But I don’t drink that much though.
I’m through with my days of kneeling on the bathroom floor and throwing up in the toilet bowl.
Getting so drunk that when you wake up the next morning, you don’t even remember how you got home or why you’re butt naked.
Like Luther Vandross used to sing, “It’s over now.”, some things you just know are in your past and not a part of your future. And it can be a tearful moment.
Letting go.
(smiling) Back in the day I used to love to go to this bar on
It was crunk Monday nights because they had Monday Night Football on the big screen and $2 ‘You-call-it’ all night long.
Watchu want? Triple shot of Hennessey and 2 Heineken? That’s what I’m go get too. Keep the change. One of them girls that came looking dressed to impress and smelling good may stand next to you while you’re ordering. That’s when you put on your gorilla mack game and look at em like they should already know that you’re that dude they need to get with.
(you gotta know how to give them that cool sexy look) Wazzup?
(I’ve always loved confident women) I’m thirsty..what’s up with you?
You call it. (motioning to the bartender) Tell him what you want to drink, I got you.
I mean $2 you call it can’t hit you TOO bad? Right? I pulled that one time and this girl tried to order drinks for her whole table. I had to put some brakes on her.
Whoooaa. I’m not TRICKING that hard and you don’t look THAT good. You trippin.
People be tripping a lot in
The great thing about it for me, is that I trust what the Bible says.
The marriage bed is undefiled.
“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” – Hebrews 13:4
Whoop..there it is!! "Getcho freak on!!" righ there in the Bible!!
I can shake up some Don Julio Margaritas topped off with some Grand Marnier in my kitchen and me and my wife can sip on em together and listen to some music and have some fun. Give the kids a shot of that cough medicine so that they sleep soundly, we might want to get loud or something. It’s all good, I’m not tripping.
I’m just glad I made it out without any communicable diseases, felony convictions or multiple paternity suits. (My wife said, "Amen! Praise God!")
It’s one thing to know that God has protected you from the valley of the shadow of death.
It’s a whole different thing altogether when you make it out, then turn right around and go right back in there. Testing God’s patience.
Kinda like children who test the limits with their parents.
Trying to see how far they can go before an execution of judgement is rendered.
On the Southside we call em ‘jailhouse chances’.
Felonies and misdemeanors.
I really think that’s why a lot of dudes don’t want to study their Bible. Because somewhere in their mind, they think God will not hold them accountable for their actions if they ‘didn’t know’.
Ignorance is bliss, as some call it.
There’s a lot of drug dealers who ride around with a carload of dope and an open Bible on their dashboard. In case they get stopped by the police, maybe the cop will be more willing to give them the benefit of not having to get searched. Tripping.
I’ve turned all my past felonies over to the Lord. Criminal and spiritual.
I don't have to front about it. Just because I don't have any convictions on my record doesn't mean I never committed any. Ya feel me?
But good thing for me I do believe that Jesus is the eternal judge of us all.
Because if I thought that we could do whatever we wanted to, as long as we don't get caught by the police or our wives? Then I'd be a different kinda dude. TRIPPING fo real.
to strive toward. The kicker is that none of us will reach our ‘complete’ state until the day of the Lord.
Once I submitted my life to Christ, I had to be real about my actions.
We are saved by faith, but if we truly believe, we will also strive to obey.
God still loves the sinner, He just hates the sin.
And if you KNOW you’re a child of God, you know He chastens those that He loves.
“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth; therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:” – Job 5:17
“M y son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.” – Proverbs 3:11-12
Believers won’t just wallow in, ‘This is just me. I’m not go ever give this up.”
Cuz pretty soon, you’re going to get tired of taking that beating, unless of course you're 'so throwed' that you enjoy the lashes.
Instead the true Believer will ask God for strength and deliverance from whatever sin is shackling them up.
Alcholism. Fornication. Drug Abuse. Shopping addiction. Gaming Addiction. Lying.
There’s a lot of false idols which take our time and effort away from God.
So the problem I had to face was finding that right balance.
I mean, who wants to be one of those Christians who never do anything outside of church??
No parties. No clubs. No movies. No drinking. No theatre..nothing but 100% Jesus.
That’s kinda like those creepy Jehovah Witness kids we used to play with, who didn’t even have a television in their house.
I know there are some people reading this right now who are struggling with addictions of their own. Those who don’t want to be hypocrites, so they don’t go to church and ‘front’. They stay away from the church house, because they don’t want to go in the church until they get ‘right’. Keeping it real. 100. Tripping.
I know because this used to be the obstacle holding me back. I was doing some things that made me wonder if I would burst into flames if I even just touched the door knob to step into a church. Tripping.
My dad was the one that really brought me back to myself.
He was talking to me about getting back in the church and I just knew I was doing some things in my life that didn’t line up to God’s Word.
My dad told me that I would never be able to change by myself. I needed God to help
“Don’t think you can change before you come, just come. God will work with you
r heart, just come.”
It was even worse before then, cuz before then I knew I was ‘throwed’ but I didn’t want to change. I was doing me. I know some folks are just like that now, they don’t WANT to change. Tripping.
But for me, God just took the taste of felonies out of my mouth.
I got to the point where I was no longer at peace with myself about how I was living.
God chastens those He loves.
I got tired of taking that whupping and I bowed down and submitted to Christ. I made it.
But I’m still dealing with occasional misdemeanors tho.
Speeding tickets. Eating too much. Drinking til a get a lil bit dizzy (at the house). Swearing. I still be tripping a little bit sometimes.
God is still working on my heart.
But like that song goes, I’m better, I’m stronger, I’m wiser…I made it.
I ain’t tripping.