“Now ever since I can remember, I been poppin my collar (I been poppin my collar)..” – 3-6 Mafia
Grrrrrrrrrrr. I guess I’m on edge a bit these days. Things are starting to happen very fast. It kinda feels like being in a pinball machine, the longer you’re rolling around the maze getting banged around and not dropping off the map, the better your score. TILT! TILT!
If you’re going to be in the game, you gotta be ready to take some blows and keep rolling. Cuz if you ain’t ready to absorb some blows, then you’re going to crumble like crackers when they inevitably arrive. At least that’s how I envision the battlefield when I get down with my pen.
So you need to have an edge. You need to believe in something that’s real if you’re going to withstand until that final day. A lot of folks don’t like talking about that final day, that long long flight, that last ride, death, especially their own. It’s too creepy, it’s something that most young folks never think about and what most old folks can’t stop talking about. It’s an inevitable day for us all, at least it is for those of us who will make that transition before the 2nd coming of Christ, but we ain’t got to that part yet.
I don’t know if they have some kind of group therapy session for writers, but if they do, I KNOW there would be some crazy people in there. Especially all of the blogging writers. I know there’s hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there on the internet, pouring out their heart and soul, or just working on their game with their blog websites. I wonder how many of them actually live and work around people who read their blog??
I’ve had some people come at me almost about to have a heart attack.......
“Mane D..whatever you do, DON’T put my name or face on your website!!”
“What’s wrong with you? Why are you so paranoid about being seen on the internet??”
“Mane..I owe back child support in 3 different states, I’ve got a good job where a white man pays me cash under the table and all my bills are in my mama’s name..I ain’t trying to mess my thang up. It’s going too good right now.”
“Aww c’mon now!!..you’re gonna have to face those issues ONE day, it’s not going to magically disappear! Interest is steady stacking up!”
“I know that! I’m just saying I ain’t trying to be found out right now!! I just need some time to get myself together, cuz I’ve been on my back before mane, that sh’t there ain’t fresh when you work a hard 50 hours in a week and by the time all the child support agencies get their money, you’re looking at a hundred dollar check. A n’ga can’t live like that mane, THAT’s the kinda sh’t that will make a n’ga say ‘fkit!’ and just start selling dope.”
“Aww n’ga, don’t start crying NOW..you wasn’t crying when you was sticking all them different women when you were taking them trips out of town.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t KNOW it was go be like this!! 3 of my kids are the same age, all born in the same month by 3 different women!!”
“See..that hoe sh’t done caught up to you and now you wanna cry about it, don’t cry about it now n’ga, you done did it.”
“Don’t get it twisted Bible-boy, just cuz you throwing up that Jesus set, don’t mean yo az can’t get beat down!!”
“Naww..don’t you get it twisted!..Turn the other cheek don’t mean I’m supposed to ‘LET’ somebody whup my az n’ga..don’t mistake the kindness..I’m from $unny$ide mane, I just look like this.”

"Everybody ain’t go be with it D. Some n’gaz are go be MAAD when they read how you get down on the pen, especially some of them church folks. "
I was actually already prepared for this fact, I haven’t been boycotted or banned yet, but I’ll gone and let ya’ll know right now, don’t look for my work in any Christian bookstores, cuz we don’t push on that block. I had a peek preview as to what being a Christian artist meant when Mel Gibson released the Passion of the Christ. Good movie. Very descript and realistic depiction of the last week of Christ before he was crucified, Passion Week.
Well, after the movie had been released and all the numbers of ticket sales were being reported back via the media, some people started TRIPPING..
“Hmph..look at that! “
“What’s that?”
“Mel Gibson has made over 300 million dollars internationally in the first WEEK of the Passion movie being out??”
“The Gospel of Christ hits licks all over the world..and?”
“So I guess that’s supposed to be 300 million for Jesus huh? Can’t you see how janky Christianity is?? It’s all about the white man making money!!”
What’s wrong with the movie being successful and Gibson making money?? He TRIED to push the script to Hollywood and NOBODY would touch it, so he got independent financing and got it done. And now you want to hate?? Everybody can make movies pubbing up shaking az or acting a damn fool or killing a lot of people and make fat cash, but when somebody prospers as a result of spreading the gospel of Christ, they gotta be janky huh? Aiight then, I see ya hating. Hating ain’t changed, it’s still just like Trick Daddy describes it.
“Hating is when you see something fresh, but yet you refuse to acknowledge it.”
Some folks make a point not to read my blog for awhile, then when they do come back, they’re almost mad that I haven’t fell off. They thought I was going to stop praising that Name, they just don’t know that I just can’t stop, praising His Name, I just can’t stop, praising His Name, I just can’t stop, praising His Naaaaame…JESUS!! The haters cringe with angst when they hear that Name, because they know it’s the Truth. Other haters will try to distort the Word,
‘The Bible’s been changed by man over the years, it’s not the INERRANT Word of God!!”
I got something for you too podna, keep riding yo monkey az down this page. You steady talking the Bible’s been changed, and yet you don’t even read it. Where has it been changed?? What part is ‘janky’ to you? What you see as ‘contradictions in the Bible’ are usually just learned excuses you use for why you haven’t submitted to how the Word calls for us to live our lives. Nobody understands all of the Bible except God. And if the Holy Spirit hasn’t pricked your heart, you ain’t go ‘get’ the Bible anyway. The Bible is written for Believers to use as a guide. To know the history of God’s chosen as it leads up to the fulfillment of the Word through Jesus Christ.
You’ll understand those 12 disciples of Christ a lot more, if you know about those 12 tribes of Israel. Moses was a great prophet who spoke face to face with God, but yet Moses couldn’t lead the children over into the Promised Land. It took Joshua to lead them across that other side of the Jordan. Joshua mane..Ye’Shua..in the Greek form that translates to Jesus. Ya’ll n’gaz keep thinking it’s a joke, that Bible is all the way real.
Noah preached the same sermon for over a hundred years,
“It’s go rain”
But yet, at that time in history, people had never even seen rain before in their lives. God watered the earth via a mist. But just like Noah told everybody to get their lives together and repent and get on that boat and be saved, nobody listened, except his family. And just like Noah told us that it was gonna rain, the prophets and apostles who wrote the Bible let us know that it’s go rain again. But instead of water, it’s going to rain an element that we’ve never seen happen before. This last time, it’s go rain fire. Ya’ll betta get out of that heat and take refuge in God’s Word. I’m just telling these n’gaz to get on the boat, cuz a change is gonna come and n’gaz who ain’t ready are go drown in brimstone.
Everybody ain’t go make it to the other side. Everybody ain’t go swallow that real, some folks are going to pass it up and keep on stepping. Everyody has their own different reasons why they don’t submit, but one of the most common reasons is hard headededness. Or what the Bible calls hardened hearts. They ain’t letting the Word into their heart. They’re putting their hands over their ears and singing, “La la la la, nyah nyah booh booh, I’m not listening to you!!” They don’t want to hear it. They don’t want NOBODY telling them how to live their life. They might acknowledge some of the Bible, but when it comes to those parts that calls out their throwed ways, they start following some distorted doctrine..
“Being homosexual is fine with God! You can have as many girlfriends as you want, concubines are in the Bible!..Crack ain’t in the Bible, God ain’t tripping over a n’ga trying to feed his family!”
Pft! Ya’ll n’gaz TRIPPIN!!
Sometimes I gotta pause and pray, cuz I KNOW how throwed I am, I stay ready to clown and ack a fool. And one of the things about the Christian walk is having a humbleness of spirit. It ain’t about me, it’s all about Jesus. So excuse me for popping my collar somet

But don't ever ever think I'm not down for the family. Family is the reason I serve, I just know that if there's going to be a healing of our families in the hood, it's gotta start with the men first. That's why you see me out here serving these hard heads..(ahem) and popping my collar!! :)