“Tu stayo?”
“Si. Yo stayo.”
That’s one of my favorite parts from the movie Godfather II. When Anthony Corleone is checking his lawyer (who grew up as his brother but was not bonded by blood) Tom Hagen, to see if he’s still down for the family business.
There’s a point where we all have to be checked, to see if we’re truly down for the Christian game plan or if we’re just perpetrating the fraud and hiding behind the cross whenever it’s convenient. As if God wanted us to just sit in a corner, silent and unproductive, while this battle rages on. Never doing anything to push people out of their comfort zones.
I really don’t think God cares about being politically correct.
Politics are a man made institution.
I say this because I know that I’m a politically incorrect writer. I sometimes write (and say) things that offend people. Curse words and ghetto slang, ‘ngz who sitting on their butt all day can’t say (bleep)!’
I’m just saying, some folks are REALLY perturbed by stuff like that. Especially the ones who ain’t got nothing else to do.
This one lady somewhere in
I wrote her back and said, "[bleep] please??!! Why don’t you just gone and buy you a fifth of vodka and some weed and go down to the jukejoint and pick up a [bleep] with a real big [bleep] and go to a motel and get [bleeped] down good and then pray and ask God to forgive you and come back and tell me how you feel about me using the word ‘nga’??”
Ha-ha! I’m just kidding..that didn’t really happen! It’s funny tho..at least it is to me but I know I’m kinda warped when it comes to sense of humor. My sister says I’m crazy as hell, but my wife says I’m doing real good with the gene-pool I’m working with..she’s met my family. Even the distant relatives from
And it is those times when I fall short, and I get caught up in worldly things and worldly patterns and I almost forget that I’ve been unplugged from the matrix. It’s like I heard one preacher describe it, "You’re not doing the dope any more, but you’re still making dope fiend moves.”
It’s easy to get off track too, but I’m still working out my salvation with fear and trembling (Phillipians 2:12). I KNOW God is real. And I know I gotta keep looking up, cuz it ain’t the hills from whence cometh my help. Psalms 121:1 is a question ya know? My help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
Like every other real Soldier in the Hood in 2006, I go before the throne everyday. Some days more boldly than others, but I always go. Head bowed, knees bent, in a prone position. Humbly submitting myself and giving my daily report. Thanking Him for all the blessings He has bestowed on me. Praying daily for the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable in His sight. I NEED Him mane, cuz otherwise I’d be throwed off FO REAL!! I already know.
I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve somehow managed to fit a lifetime into 36 years. Well..not quite..but almost 36 years..I’m a Scorpio.
If God called me home at the next stroke of the key, I could not complain. He has so wondrously blessed me to be a part of one of the wealthiest families in the world.
I know a lot of folks will start looking around wondering, ‘What is this n’ga talking about? He ain’t got no money and most of his kinfolk is broke??!!??!!!”
But that’s where a lot of people get off track. They think being paid is all about money, cream, loot, “dollar-dollar bills ya’ll!!” And what I’m telling them is that being paid is all about the Blood of the Lamb.
God blessed me to be born into a family of Believers that nurtured me and loved me and groomed me into being the man of God that I am today. My blood family readied me for my time to be adopted into the only family that truly endures, the family of Christ.
Some of my non-Believing friends have used my genealogy as an explanation of why they haven’t accepted Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives…
Mane D..if I had YOUR parents and grandparents and uncles and aunts and stuff, I’d probably be a Christian too!! But I was never around any people like that..my family never went to church and the one’s who did, were such big hypocrites that I never believed Jesus was real.
Yeah, I feel that. But that was then..I’m talking about what do you believe NOW n’ga!?!
You have the Free Will to choose for yourself (this day), which God you will serve. You see how I get down and you know how real my family is..God can adopt you into the family just like He adopted me. Even though I grew up having to go to church and learn about the Bible, I didn’t become a Believer until after I was a grown man dealing with some grown issues that I knew I couldn’t handle by myself.
One of my readers calls it ‘Man on Fire’. I liked that. Denzel is the other D.Washington, most of ya’ll just don’t know it yet. Despite what Lil Keke claims, I think I’m the ‘best kept secret out the 713.’
I have yet to be fully unveiled to the world, but my time is near. I can feel it.
And when you feel it like that, you know that it’s serious out here on the battleground. We’re losing souls daily. People who were never led out of captivity, people who are stranded in darkness.
If you got a Light, no matter how little it is, you betta let it shine.
Don’t be that unprofitable n’ga that never tells anybody why you know Jesus is real.
I’ve been in a cemetery that was full of headstones with my family name on it. One of those old negro graveyards back off in the woods of
So although I was born into a Southside Houston residence (and I still live in the hood now), my blood and my heritage traces back through
You don’t even have to tell me cuz I already know..they wild. I don’t know if it’s something about the water there or the air or what, but everybody I’ve met from
So when n’gz pull my resume, and try to check my hood card, to see if I’m real or fronting, I go ahead and drop some of that blood on them so that they can REALLY feel me.
Have I ever been to the penitentiary? No.
Am I caught up on my child support? Yes.
Do I sell dope? No.
Have I ever been arrested? Yes.
Most hood n’gz ain’t go trust you if you act like you ain’t NEVER done any dirt. Since I have a college education, and I’m not the kind of n’ga that hung out in the cut back in the day, some have wondered why I was writing to a hood audience anyway??
I’m really a mild mannered person, I can verbally maneuver myself around most confrontations without using curse words. But my hood resume is connected with enough street n’gaz that I don’t have to go out to prove myself everyday. It’s a lot of ng’z I grew up with that commit felonies for a living that know that I ain’t no pushover kinda n’ga. If you go beat me, you gotta bring yo A+ game and even then it’s not guaranteed.
So when it comes to people who don’t believe in Jesus. From those who don’t believe He ever existed, to those who don’t believe that He came out that grave, I STAY ready to explain the reason for my faith. It’s one thing to be in the world of Believers, it’s on a whole new level to be IN the game. One of those players that not only believe, you KNOW! My uncle told me that I’ve been ‘convicted’. This doesn’t have anything to do with the State of
Some have wondered if my period of internet silence meant that I was out the game. As if I had given up the faith.
Like we say on the Southside, “
Yo stayo.