I dunno.
Is that his wife???
Naww..that’s not his wife..
Well I wonder who she is then??
Hmm…whoever she is…she’s nice and easy on the eyes.
See..this the kind of sh’t that makes me wonder about this n’ga D. He always pulls some kind of weird off the wall stuff..you never know WHO he’s talking to..hell, I don’t even know MY name or YOUR name..
I think we’re just supposed to be some random dudes looking at servinemup.com and trying to figure out what’s going on. I read somewhere before how this is supposed to be called the Socratic method or something.
That’s a lil bit deeper than I normally go homeboy..but look here!..I got some good news to tell you anyway!!
I got a RAISE this week n’ga!!
FO-REAL?? That’s good man! You making that BIG dollars now huh??
Naw..not too big, I went from making $450 a week to $460.
Aww dude that’s f’ked up.
Weren’t you crushing with all the overtime you were making during inventory season last year?
You already know!! Know I’m going to make even more than that!!
No..not necessarily.
What do you mean??
The Fair Pay Act went into affect this past Monday, August 23rd.
What’s that mean??
Now your employer legally doesn’t HAVE to pay you overtime for everything past 40 hours per week.
Whatchu tawkin bout n’ga???
This new act..that’s what it does..companies who have employees with a salary between $23,660 (=$455/wk) and $100,000 per year are not REQUIRED by Federal Law to give them overtime rate compensation.
Why the hell would that make THAT a law??
All those big companies are getting slammed with billions of dollars of lawsuits by employees and ex-employees claiming compensation for unpaid overtime wages. By making this a law, they feel this will reduce a lot of those lawsuits.
Once again, it helps the big business and it hurts the poor man.
Not necessarily, because everybody who’s below $23,660.year are required overtime pay for over 40 hours a week. And those above $100,000 don’t get it at all.
Is that all the rule states??
No..it has 8 main points:
No. 1: Almost all employees who make less than $455 a week ($23,660 a year) are eligible for overtime. The old rule set overtime for anyone who made less than $250 a week. The new rule applies whether the employee is blue collar or white collar, or whether they supervise people of not. The exception for this rule is teachers, doctors and lawyers. They do not get overtime, no matter what they are paid.
No. 2: Any employee who earns more than $100,000 a year is ineligible for mandated overtime, period.
No. 3: Any employee who earns between $23,660 and $100,000 a year, and who is in most executive, professional, or administrative positions, is not eligible for overtime. This does not, however, apply to salespeople. They are still eligible.
No. 4: Managers are not entitled to overtime if they oversee two or more people and have the authority to hire, fire, or recommend that someone be hired or fired.
No. 5: Administrative employees who have decision-making power and run some sort of operation are not eligible.
No. 6: Employees whose job requires imagination, invention, originality, or artistic or creative endeavors are not eligible for overtime.
No.7: Employees whose main duties are computer-related and involve the implementation, analysis, development, or application of computer systems or designs are also not eligible for overtime.
No. 8: Sales staff that regularly work outside of the employer's place of business are,not eligible either.
Some 18 states, including California and Illinois, have separate overtime laws that trump federal law, the federal rules that took effect Monday will not affect workers in those states.
Mane..when I get back to work tomorrow, I’m go bust my boss dead in the face for f'king over me like that!!
Whoaa..don’t do that dog..you’ll catch a case and be on paper. Just gone and work on your game. That way you won’t have to always worry about another man handing out scraps for you to eat.
Yeah..but you know he ain’t right for doing us like that. Making us think we got raises when we really just got paycuts.
Hey..the game is made for those who’re on top of theirs. Work on your game mane..then you won’t have to worry about what the next man is doing.
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