You’re listening to KSRV FM 33.3 on your radio dial! Giving you the most in music and information on the Southside!! This is the late show with your host, the man of the hour that makes the ladies scream and holler, DJ Get-Wit-Cha and I’m ready to get this thang started. Like we say on the Southside, ’It’s ON again!!‘ The phone lines are open now, give us a call and get ‘served’, ya’ll know the number!! Our topic of discussion for tonight is, ’My DJ is a crack head’…wait a minute..who wrote that on my sheet?? Seems like my program manager is full of jokes tonight. The REAL topic for discussion is, ‘Superfreaks’, you might be one, you might be married to one, how are you dealing with it? Let’s go ahead and get the atmosphere right and start the show off with a freak classic by the group Whodini, ‘The Freaks Come Out at Night’..
Man!! That Whodini is STILL jamming!! “Freaks come in all shapes sizes and colors, but what I like about them most is that they’re real good lovers!” Ain’t that the truth?! Hmph! Everybody must have been waiting for this topic, because our phone lines are lighting up like a Christmas tree!! First caller, we have Shanequia calling from that Yellowstone..you’re on the air Shanequia , what it do?
Yes..go ahead, we can hear you.
Oh..okay. What’s up DJ Git Wit Cha?
Same ol thing, in this studio doing my thang, what’s up with you?
I just wanted to call in and say what I have to say about Superfreaks.
Go right ahead.
My husband and I have been together for a couple of years and now our sex life is starting to get boring.
What’s the problem? Are you craving some more ‘freakin’ in your life?
Allready! He just wants to do the same ol thang all the time and even when he does that, it doesn’t last long.
He’s not taking care of the house huh?
Hmmm..you see what I’m tawkin about! But the worst part is, whenever I try to ‘flip’ it a bit and throw some new thangs into the mix, he gets mad and defensive, saying stuff like, ‘Where did you learn THAT from??!! ‘
Well, sounds like he’s stuck on you being his ‘virginal’ wife, he’s not ready to deal with that ‘freak’ in you.
It’s to the point where I’m gonna have to ‘call Tyrone’ to take care of this here..if you know what I mean.
Uh-ohhh, before you go calling the ‘clean-up man’ or the ‘Jody the candy licker’ or whateva you may call him, you should make sure you and your husband sit down and have a real open talk about each other needs and expectations of one another in the bedroom. Cuz bringing other people into the mix doesn’t solve any problems, it just adds to it. Allright…here’s our next caller, dialing in from that HC-Hiram Clarke, we’ve got Big Black..what it do?
Heyy. What it do Get Wit Cha??
Day to day grinding over here baby, you know how that go. You freaking or what?
Well, I’m calling cuz I USED to be freaking, but I had to put that there to the side.
Oh yeah? I thought once a freak always a freak?
Nah, I had to gone and put mine on chill awhile ago. I just wanted to call in and let all them brothers out there getting their freak on know, that if you’re out there doing your thang, you gotta get your blood checked regularly.
I feel ya Big Black..speak on it.
Just like a lot of brothers out there, I used to think that I could stick and move all I wanted to, as long as I wasn’t making any babies with these ladies, it was all good. But I’m here to tell ya’ll mane, that HIV is real. A lot of people talking about how men can’t get it from women and that’s just not true. A lot of brothers will use condoms at night, but later in the night or that next morning when you're rolling over..ain't nobody trying to see no condom then!
That’s all the way real.
And the way these youngsters are out here now, super hot and freaking non-stop, we’re just at the tip of the iceberg for how bad the its really going to be. The main thing I wanted to tell all your listeners, brothers and sisters alike, is to make sure you get tested regularly and that the best freaking is monogamous freaking with one partner.
Allready!! And for those that are afraid of needles they now have the HIV test that only requires a finger prick. Look here Big Black, I’m sure glad you called in and dropped some knowledge, stay strong brother and keep your eyes on the prize. Alright..next on the line, we’ve got Pastor Janky, calling in from that South Acres..what it do Pastor Jank?
Amen brother. I’ve been listening to your show, and I just wanted to say a word or two on what the Good Book has to say about this ‘freakin’.
Go ahead.
I’m not trying to talk down about anybody, cuz Pastor Janky has done MUCH freaking in his day, a lot of your listeners I’m sure I used to freak with. I used to be THE Superfreak of the Southside before I turned my life over to the Lord (Halleluia). For those single super freaks out there that can‘t seem to control their urges, the Bible says its better to marry than to burn.
Burn? You mean like get the clap?
Naww, I mean like burning in hell for fornicating.
But no matter what you have done, if you get down on your knees and repent and pray to God to strengthen you toward the right path, He’ll hook you up.
Man, that’ll be a whole lot of praying for those SUPER-DUPER freaks out there!
Allready..but there’s hope for everyone. We can do ALL things that strengthen us, all we gotta do is ask Him.
Allright Pastor Janky, Big Black and Shanquia…thank you all for calling in to the show and sharing your viewpoints on ‘freaking’. I’m about to slide on out of here, but before I go, let’s listen to the anthem that made Super freaks a household name. The 80’s classic from our boy freaky deaky Rick James…SUPERFREAK!! Keep your game tight and your sex loop tighter, its WILD out there in the 2-3 ya’ll. This is DJ Git-Wit-Cha signing off from FM KSRV 33.3..consider yourself ‘served’.