Who am I?? I’m the son of two God fearing, hard working black folks from Arkansas who migrated to Houston in the mid 60's. They taught me and my older sister to never be afraid of standing up for what we believe in. I believe in the one and only God that reigns supreme over all of creation. I believe in the crucifixion and Resurrection of His only begotten Son, Jesus. I believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God. And I believe (and have personally witnessed and felt) the Holy Spirit move through a congregation of folk.
I was raised a Baptist, and my parents required us to go to church and serve God every Sunday. While I was a child, I was baptized by the late Pastor W.D. Richardson at Blueridge Baptist Church in Sunnyside, and there I served as the Junior Superintendent of the Sunday School all the way up until I left for college. I started school at Pickwickian Academy on MLK in South Park, and then I went to Edgar Allen Poe Elementary School, Sidney P. Lanier Middle School, Booker T. Washington and the High School for Engineering Professions H.S. and then on to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, where I received my B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering.
I currently reside in Houston, with my beautiful wife Tracy, who I love dearly, and our 2 wonderful children Gyasi (Jah-see) and Alexandra. Although my educational background isn’t in the literary realm, I’ve always been a voracious reader. From my childhood days of being curled up in a quiet corner (usually because I was on punishment) with Fitzgerald’s,'Great Brain' series, or C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, I’ve always respected and appreciated the educational voyages into other worlds that reading allows. Voyages that allowed me to elevate above the confines of my immediate environment and to broaden my awareness of other perspectives of life.
What started from words of encouragement from friends “Mane..you write stuff that’s informative AND you be clowning with it!”, has now blossomed into a public unveiling of me and my world. Fortunately, I feel that my life’s journeys have more than prepared me for the sometimes-intimidating task of being in the public’s eye. I understand that everyone isn’t Christian..or black..or male..or heterosexual..or married..or free. My family and friends cover a wide range of nationalities, religions, sexual preferences and beliefs. The one common bond amongst all that hang with me is love. I’ve got love for everybody, even those who hate on me. No matter if you love me or hate me, you can’t knock the hustle.
My goal for Servinemup is to inform and entertain. Writing is a business and the larger a writer's core reading group, the more leverage he holds on the publishers and distributors bargaining tables. Writing is something that I geniunely enjoy, but it’s not all about fun. My children have grown accustomed to eating everyday and my wife functions best with the a/c in the house around 70..(I know those that summer in Houston can feel me), so don’t ever think I’m not trying to attract and draw in more groups of readers. The more I can keep serving up knowledge, laughs, cry’s and things that make you go, “Hmmm..”, the more I know I’m closer to that writer’s nirvana of reader's thirsting for more.
Other than that, I work as a sales engineer for a pump station manufacturer in Houston, I’m an avid golfer, fantasy football and basketball FREAK, renowned domino-ologist and I have no problem laughing at myself.
For those who are curious about what it takes to have your own website, there’s plenty of free web-hosting services available on the web with various options. The one that I’m using right now (www.blogger.com) costs $35/year and all you need is Internet access to post a website with it. Many people have already inquired about my 1st book and all I can tell you is..it’s not finished yet. I could easily throw together short stories and essays I’ve already written and put it in print, but writing is something I plan to do for the rest of my life. I've got to come HARD every time I drop..I’m just like that. So please..be patient with me, God is not through with me yet.
Shouts out to the Washington Family, the Scott Family, the Dunston Family, the Reece Family, Sugarvalley and the whole Southside, Jelly Roll Street in Calion, Booker.T Alumni, the Bruhs, my Stanford family, the Carroll Childers family, my golf buddies, the Hoop Crew and the Ultimate Players Club.
Once again, thanks for all the love and support and thanks to all the haters for making my game tighter. Ya’ll keep riding with me baby, cuz I’m going to keep on doing what I do!