I told my wife that I had a new girlfriend….

Oh yeah? Who?
Who is that?
She’s a morning DJ on
satellite radio, the hip hop station.
What does she look like?
Uhhh..I don’t know. I’ve only heard her voice..I need to
look up what she looks like…it don’t matter tho..cuz I already know, that’s my
new girlfriend. I like that ear candy.
Hmmm. Okay. I betta
look and see what she looks like too. Is
she black?
I think so…she could be Puerto Rican or Dominican or some
island thing going on.
How do you know that? I thought you said you’ve never seen
I mean, just by the way she talks..she’s definitely a New
York chick.
So you put your girl Gabrielle down?
Yeah…my time with Gabrielle was cool..but you know..I still
got love for her. I thought about playing em both, but you know I'm a one gal type of dude.
Hmph. You betta be if you know what’s good for you.
I do.
One of the joys of being married is having true
companionship. Someone you can laugh with, talk to and really share your life
journeys with each other.
I tell people all the time that my wife and I did all of our
divorcing before we got married.
We got married the hood way, our son was the ring bearer and
our daughter was the flower girl.
So now that we’re 10+ years in the game of holy matrimony,
the trust we have for each other and the comfort level we have that ‘ain’t
nobody going nowhere’ brings a whole new dimension to the union.
When both sides got one foot out the boat just waiting on
ONE more thing to go wrong and they’re out of there…it brings a lot more stress
and confusion to a marriage. You’re not really married, you’re just cohabitating.
Like that chicken farmer dude in No Country for Old Men
said, ‘brother, I been there.’
So, as the trust grows and the love flourishes in a
relationship, you get to the point where you can really start having some fun
with each other.
You can fart around her and she won’t even say anything, but
just give you the gas face and grab the air freshener and spray.
She might say something like, ‘baby, you need to eat some
more vegetables’ but you know..its cool.
Its so cool that I usually get up and go outside to fart, so
that I don’t disrupt her atmosphere, unless I’m REALLY comfortable and don’t
feel like getting up.
I’m a firm believer
in when you make a vow, you should stick to it. I believe it even more today
than I did on my wedding day.
Some may get a bit put off by me having a ‘girlfriend’ and
then having the gall to tell my wife about her.
Well, my wife has a boyfriend too. We have an understanding.
She’s actually got a few, Brad Pitt and Will Smith and of course Prince and she also likes
Snoop and Andre 3 Stacks.
Prince…I have an older sister that has been crazy for Prince
ever since he showed up on the scene in his super freak days. She kept that
poster of Prince in the shower wearing some bikini draws hanging on her door.
I used to stare at that picture and think…this nga here is different. Lil short yella dude,
but it looked like he was packing. I’m just saying.
Sexual gratification is a big part of the human life. At
least, it is for mine.
And being a monogamous man that’s committed to one woman for
the rest of your life, isn’t something that society really grooms you to handle.
On the contrary, music, movies, videos, mass media, your older uncles
and peers all pressure males to be ‘players’.
Knock off all the big booty women you can without getting
27 “You have heard that it was
said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’[ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman
lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” –
Matthew 5:27-28
When I read that I just threw my hands up…if that was true,
I KNEW I was going to hell. Not going to
the VIP room at the strip club is one thing, but who can control their
I’ve learned that a lot of my weaknesses didn’t just
disappear once I gave my life to Christ.
Scantily clad beautiful women still make my eyes start
circling around like a zombie.
I had to start being more careful of the situations I put
myself in. Strip clubs and dranks don’t mix well on payday. Like the song says,
at least I know I got a (bleeping) problem. Acknowledgement is the first step
towards recovery. But you have to be willing to make that next step.
One of the ministers at our church was a 20+ year drug
addict and he says that pornography addictions are harder to break than heroin.
Lord help us!
I say all of this to say, that first of all, I thank God for
my wife.
She’s God fearing, takes care of me and is oh so sexy. 25+ years into our courtship and I still like to get it.
And now that I’m getting older and no longer feel like I
gotta get it everyday, I have a much deeper understanding and appreciation for companion
ship and what true love really is. What’s really going to last.
Variety is good too, because the way it is now with wigs,
weaves and makeup, they can go put on some glasses and make themselves up in a
different outfit and you can feel like
you’re with a whole different woman!
I got a bad one..I’m good.