Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reasons for Serving

One of the songs that always seems to inspire me whenever I hear it is Marvin Sapp's 'He Saw the Best in Me'.

It's a song that can lift you up when things around you are bringing you down.

Living the Chrisitan life and walking the prescribed Christian walk is not always an easy task. It's a responsiblity that requires reaching down inside for more. Getting 'outside of yourself' ' if you will.

I was blessed to attend a church service for our Annual Men and Women's Day this past Sunday afternoon.

Like a lot of 'regular' guys, I like to watch football on Sunday's, play golf, relax at the house, etc. But several years ago, my wife and I both made the committment to train up our children in the Word of God. We wanted them to have a strong foundation in the Word and how it prescribes us to live our lives. And part of that is attending a regular worship service and Bible study, being part of a worship community.

We attend a relatively small Baptist church in the hood, that we both grew up in and we're raising our children in.

As the Word directs, it's not just about attending, its really all about serving.

We all have ministries in our church that we are active servants in.

Sunday School teaching, Praise Dance directing, choir, usherboard, drill team, Brotherhood, Young Women's Ministry...there's plenty of work to do for the Lord.

It requires a committment. It requires a sacrifice of time, energy and finances.

I write this as a person who grew up literally HATING going to church. BOOOOOOO!!

I never liked having to dress up, I never liked having to sit still and be quiet, I never liked listening to some boring sermon or deacon or busybody sister that just wants to get up and run their mouth without really saying anything.

And truth be told..I STILL don't like most of that stuff.

But I made the committment because I came to the realization of how much God has really done for me.

I would be wrong and ungrateful if I didn't put any time into His service.

I still get a lot of flak from my literary endeavours.

Those who have read my first book preview "Intent to Distribute" can hopefully see the growth in D.E. Washington over these past few years.

I actually cringe when I read it now, because I know I'm a lot stronger writer now..a more mature Christian.

But the wild part, is when I contemplate...Hmmm..I wonder if I will look back 5 or 10 years from now,  on where I am in 2010 and think, 'Man, I was still a damn fool!'??

Our Annual Men and Women's Day program was at 3:30pm on Sunday, so that meant going to Sunday School, 11am service..going home, eating and getting back out to the church.  There's a LARGE part of me that just wanted to stay home and watch Adrian Petersen run all over the Cowboys. I'm still a fantasy football freak!

But I got up, changed clothes and headed out because I knew the Lord required it of me...especially since they had me on program! (laughing)

The guest minister was the pastor of Greater Bell Zion Baptist Church in Texas City, TX and he preached a sermon entitled, "The Four Reasons for Serving" from Ephesians 4:8-16.

In a nutshell, the body of Christ is a common reference to the realm of Believers. We all have different functions and duties for service. Some are multi-talented, some may have only one talent. But whatever it is we CAN do, we should do for the glory of God. Whenever we are presented with an opportunity to serve, we should welcome it and receive it for the blessing that it is. God does BLESS those who serve Him!

Afterwards, I had to give remarks on behalf on the Brotherhood Ministry along with the Mission Chairperson.

I thought I was all in the clear and headed out the door to catch the Colts vs Redskins on Sunday Night Football when one of the visiting brothers who sang a solo stopped me just as I was about to head out the door.

"Excuse me...brother Washington?"

"Yes sir. How can I help you?"

"Listen..I was just sitting there listening to you talk..and I REALLY liked the words you had to say. I was wondering if you where available to come speak at our Brotherhood Annual Breakfast in March?"

Now..I used to kinda freak out a little bit whenever people asked me to do something at church. Why me?? Don't you know how throwed off I really am? I gotta work.. I'll probably be sick that day...Is that Superbowl Sunday? Why don't you get a deacon or one of the preachers to do it??

But instead of freaking out, I've learned to see these opportunities as God's way of offering a blessing..for me and for others.

Get a theme, correlate it with a Scripture, tell a joke or two, relate it to how God has moved in your life, thank ya'll for coming..it don't take long. The hardest part for me is making sure I don't get too 'live wire' and off track. I had to be the Master of Ceremonies for an event when I was a pre-teen and I walked straight up to the podium and went into a brain lock, 'Good evening..I will be your Grandmaster Flash for the program."

By the time the audience's laughter had dulled to the point where you could hear (some folks fell out in the aisle laughing) I had my head down on the podium like Charlie Brown "Good grief!"

At least it turned out better than the time I had to sing a solo! Now THAT was a disaster!!

Ya'll PRAY for me!!! :)