you can find a moment where you can say, "I don't have anything to do" also
known as 'spare time'.
The comedian Robin Harris had a joke about spare change...."Spare change? Do
I have spare change? Hell naw i ain't got no spare change! You need to get
you a spare job!!"
That's funny. I actually saw Robin Harris before he died when he hosted the
Bay Area Black Comedy Competition in Oakland in the late 80's. Jamie Foxx
won the event, but everybody who was there knew that D.L. Hughley should
have won it..but he made this joke about fags that a lot of the Bay Area
liberals didn't care too much about and he only got 2nd place.
I digress. I still get a LOT of inquiries about Servinemup Ink...
Have you posted anything new on lately? Nope.
Is the book out yet? Nope.
What's the deal?? I heard that you was locked up in jail on a dope case?
Nope..not me, that's my distribution manager Curvey, and I didn't have
NUTHIN to do with them 2 bricks of powder that he got caught with.

TWO BRICKS??? Wasn't he already a 2-time felon??? That nga is GONE!!
Actually, he'll be elgible to come up for parole in 2010. I'm still in
constant communication with him, I send him letters, pictures and commissary
money. I pray for him and I go see him whenever I can. And if you want, you can write him ,
Tommy Curvey, Inmate #01595625, Larry Gist Unit, 3295 FM 3514 in Beaumont, TX 77705. You can even go online and put
some money on his books at Like they say on lock, commissary
2009 has been a year of moving to another level for D. Washington.
I've lost a few people who were very close and dear to my heart, but God has
also blessed me to have an addition to my family and you just fall in love
all over again. I will forever praise His name!
Privacy concerns had been the #1 issue I have been praying about.
Not just about me, but also for my family.
I look at President Barack Obama and just think about the willing sacrifice
he's made in his life. Not just him but his whole family will have to live
the remainder of their lives under armed security.
Haters are watching me, but they're not stopping me!
Being a public proclaimer of the faith has put me on a whole different level
of the game.
I appreciate all of the words of support and encouragement, the prayers and
the well wishes from people from all over the globe.
But I also know that this spiritual game that we're in is a lot more serious
than any dope game.
Drug dealers have to be cautious of getting robbed or jacked at every
transaction, buying or selling, just like they have to be on the lookout for
police, snitches and undercover informants.
The spiritual game is even more intense, for we wrestle not against flesh
and blood. You can't always SEE the enemy that is conspiring against you.
I know it may sound paranoid or maniacal, but I liken my journey much to
Maximus from Gladiator. He just wanted to be a farmer and enjoy his family.
I really just like to do my work, go home and enjoy my family. No worries,
no problems.
But once you enlist in the game, you're in it for life. Once you're truly
saved by Christ, He won't let go of you.
We are pardoned for our sins, and I do know the difference between pardoned
and paroled.
Parolees have a conditional release. Pardoned means you ain't gotta go see
that probation officer every week.
Some take this declaration of liberty as a free pass to do whatever your
heart pleases. But sin isn't free. We were bought at a price. A Blood
There is a lot of things about the Christian walk that I am still learning
But I know that once you accept Christ as your Lord and Saviour, God holds
you to a higher standard.
Come as you are, but that doesn't mean you're supposed to stay as you are.
Salvation is not a static position, we should be moving, from glory to
And those who constantly disregard God's laws and disregard God's edict for
us to obey the civil laws of the land...God will be patient for only so
And if you keep doing that dirt, hiding behind the shield thinking you're
safe from retribution, don't think God won't eventually grow weary and take
His hands off of you.
As many sins that can be absolved by leading others to Christ, just think of
the ramifications of those who weaken other's faith by their sinful
God will give you over to a reprobate mind if you keep trying His patience.
That's what I've learned so far.
So for now, I'mma keep banging this ink against this paper.
One hitter quitters is what Curvey calls them.
He apologized to me for letting me down. I've apologized to him for letting
him down.
Maybe if I could have gotten the books in his hand sooner so that he
wouldn't feel compelled to hustle on the street for money, he wouldn't be
locked down right now.
We're good.
So for those who have someone on lock, whether behind bars in a state
correctional facility or shackled in the bonds of sin, don't think God has
forgotten about them.
Tupac wondered if there was a Heaven for thug ngaz, a stress free life and a
place for drug dealers.
Christ can prevail through the darkest situation, in crack houses and whore
houses, but once He comes into your won't be able to
stay there.