Wazzup fam!
I know it's been a minute since a lot of you have heard from me, but if you're in this distribution loop, chances are high that you've seen me at least in the past year.
2009 saw the transition of one of God's warriors. Artelia Jeanette Scott made that move to the upper room, I have no doubt.
Big Mama has touched a lot of souls in her life.
I was one of them.
Big Mama had a way of making you feel like you could leap tall buildings with a single bound.
If she was in the Matrix, the Oracle would go to Big Mama for comfort and advice.
So that was a big deal with me and my life.
Another one of those 'front row' funeral experiences.
But in case you didn't know, I recognize Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I"ve submitted to His will in my life. Big Mama played an integral part of preparing my faith to make that leap.
She was real and all about love.
If you were fighting all the time, Big Mama would caress your forehead gently an

Like Richard Pryor's Big Mama used to say, "Now you KNOW you can be doing better than what you doing!"
All you can say is, 'Yes ma'am." and lay your head on her bosom and enjoy the feel of her caress against your head and the sound of her warm heart.
Big Mama was the first one that made me believe in me.
I had my struggles as a child..but Big Mama was always in my corner.
"Man is going to surprise a lot of ya'll."
That's what she called me.."Man".
But she's not here anymore. And I still cry sometimes when I think about her...I still miss her.
I'm just glad that God blessed me to be a part of her life.

And just like Job declared, 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord. - Job 1:21", God also blessed us with a new addition to the family in this same year.
Troy Nicole Washington
July 29,2009, 4:40 pm, 7 lbs even, 20.5 inches, 9.0 Apgar..thankya Lord!
What the hot boys call a #1 stunna!!
Thank ya'll for all of your prayers for me and Tracy and Troy.
Thank you for all of your phone calls, baby shower gifts, emails, cards, flowers and gifts of love.
Thank you.
I love all of you. This ain't a public annoucement..just the family.
Public blogging has made me realize just how valuable privacy really is...but we all have our work to do.
I hope you're all grinding to get to the top of your game.