The holiday season is usually the time when I get the most ‘new’ readers. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s, www.servinemup.com, normally get a lion’s share of hits from new and unique visitors.
I couldn’t quite figure out this trend, based on a five year sample period.
But my editor reminded me that this is normally the time when people get the most depressed. And since a lot of people are depressed, they usually delve into anti-social behaviour, such as surfing the internet for SOMEthing, they don’t even know what.
Googling everything from “what is the meaning of life” to “I wonder if heaven’s got a ghetto for drug dealers?”
I get a lot of types and moods added to the servinemup scene daily.
I know, because I’m the one that has to deal with the ‘issues’ that arise from people who feel slandered, defamed or offended by the content that is written/displayed on this website.
My intent is NEVER to offend or defame anyone’s character, at least, not on purpose or in a mean kind of way.
And fortunately, the thing about photos/pictures, basically if you take them with your own camera, you own them.

But just because a person’s image appears on www.servinemup.com, does not mean that they agree with all of the views of faith and life that are expounded. I go to great lengths to make sure that all photos are placed in proper context.
So if you’re visiting for the first time, I would suggest that you first read My Statement of Faith. It’s pretty much a one page summary of what I believe.
Although not always required, I think it’s the duty of a writer to let the reader know what he truly believes. You may not follow the same faith as me, Southside Christian writer D.E. Washington, but you definitely will feel where I’m coming from the more you read.
Most people see my extensive family (I’ve got over 45 FIRST cousins on my mother’s side alone, she’s one of 12 kids), my neighborhood crew that I grew up with (Always repping Sugar Valley), my Arkansas family in Union County, my Booker T. Washington Alumni family, my Stanford family, my golf fraternity, there’s a lot of groups that I identify closely with.
But at the core, I still lean toward ‘loner’ tendencies.
I spend most of my time alone. My wife is the only one who’s allowed into my inner sanctum. And she only shows up when she knows it’s time for me to come out and deal, or if she just thinks I need a break and a kiss, maybe even a good booty rub. I digress.
But because I recognized these isolationist traits within myself (along with the help of family, friends and a professional therapist), it made me more privy to the true joys of life.
Everyone has yet to feel the touch of true love. Real love, not that fake shit.
Just because someone says I love you doesn’t make it true.
Like we say on the Southside, you gotta see what it DO.
And once you feel that real love, you know you never have to feel alone again.
The hard part is going out on that plank of faith and trusting.
If not for anything else, I write so that one person our there who feels alone will get a testimonial verification from a ‘kinda throwed off’ crazy Southside Christian writer.
I give witness to the report, He is I AM.
I hope you enjoy the reading while you’re here and even if you don’t enjoy it, I hope you’re never bored.
D.E. Washington