So, I have been requested (by several different people in several different manners) to be a more frequent presence on the scene.
"You need to post more stuff D..I be ready to read everytime you drop." - Southside Hustler
"I ordered all my grandsons a copy of your book for Christmas, they need Jesus anyway they can get Him!" - Northside Grandma
"All I know, if my husband don't make a change in his life, I'm not going to be able to stay with him. If he read some D.E. Washington and don't start loving me more like I deserve, I'll be like Juanita Bynum. She said she loved her husband (Bishop Weeks) so much that she'd marry him TWICE!! Hmph..but this first marriage was over!! Praise Jesus!" - Southside Desperate Working Wife
Okay, I just made myself laugh, 'Southside Desperate Working Wife'..that's funny.
The wild part is, that I'm actually a reclusive person in disguise.
My wife pointed this out to one of our friends who was over at the house visiting one day.
"Girll, you know D had us cracking up at work on that last email he sent out. He's so outgoing and always ready to be the life of the party."
"You know..my husband has his moments, but most of the time he's really quiet and off to himself. He'll talk to people, but he does have his modes of minimal interacting. (smiling) He just crazy."
That's my baby doll! She knows I'm crazy as hell, but loves me anyway!
Sigh. How sweet. Real Love mane.
I don't know what ya'll marriage vows that you made before God said, but ours had this part in there 'Til death do us part'. And I take vows very seriously.
"When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee. " - Duetoronomy 23:21
It is what it is.
Even though I'm silent sometimes, I'm always striving to keep it real. I'm staying on my course. Writing everyday, studying the Bible, reading, praying,attending praise and worship services, loving. I know that there is always more room for me to grow in Christ.
So this next month or so, I'm making a concerted effort to be more visible, posting more frequently, like back when I first started Hittin Licks on the blogosphere over 4 years ago. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm a lot stronger with the pen than I was then.