Big Mo' - September 22, 2004
That’s what um tawkin bout D!! Get it CRUNK!!
Huh?? What are you tawkin..I mean, talking about?
You been rolling all good and holy holy for awhile, but we all know you got that Southside in ya mane!! You ain’t got to front to kick it…gone and set off some of that Big Moe and let the whole world see how the Southside be jamming!!
Uhh..I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about…dude?
Man..what’s wrong with you?? You the one that’s been hyping up Big Moe..you even got his lyrics and stuff on the scroll..I just figured you was about to bring it for all the real street players out there. You know..like for the Carro’s or Max’s crew..something gangsta or thugged out..
You alright mane??
Yeah, I’m alright..I mean, I like your stuff and all, but lately you’ve been more non-confrontational and nice with your post..I like it when you call n'gas out.
Oh..you want me to start hi-cappin??
Yeah! YEAH!!…uhh..but not on me though..
Okay..let me see if I can ad lib a little standup routine..
I was working on an intro to today’s post and I happened to be listening to one of my favorite mix CD’s that had a Big Moe song on there. Those of you who don’t know Big Moe, he’s a rapper/singer from the Southside of Houston Texas..3rd Ward to be exact. When you look at him, you don’t even have to wonder how he got his name. But I was reading Big Moe’s biography that he has on his webpage, www.purplestuff.com…
Born and raised in South Houston's notoriously impoverished third ward, a place Big Moe describes as a "typical ghetto," the MC says he experienced more than his share of lean years.
"I grew up kinda hard," recalls Moe. "At the place where I once lived we used to use the kitchen stove to keep the whole house warm. I remember one time when the stove broke and we didn't have no heaters so we got together in one room and used two or three space heaters so we could keep warm. It was real hard back then, man, real hard."
But Moe was able to escape many of the pitfalls that trap so many young men of color in the ghetto through his love of music, which he pursued with a passion and began his career as a singer.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I think Big Moe is one of the most jamming artist in Houston, but c’mon now..’lean years’?? Don’t NUTHIN look lean about that n’ga..I don’t know how hard times WERE on Big Moe and his family, but I DO know that that n’ga was eatin good. He’s been big a long time..ya feel me? And then that n’ga is talking that crazy, ‘we had to huddle around a stove for heat’ stuff?? C’mon Moe!! I lived in Houston just like you did..the weather in 3rd Ward is the same as the weather in Sunnyside..we only got about 3 ‘cold’ days a year here in Houston, so don’t start painting that Charles’ Dickens on us..if anything you should have said how HOT it was because ya’ll didn’t have no air conditioner or something! C’mon now..get REAL! Wreckshop needs one of those real Southside writers like D. E. Washington…holla at me mane. Let’s make it happen!!
(laughing) Aww mane!! If Big Moe ever reads this, he’s going to be TRIPPING!!
I ain’t mad at Big Moe mane..it’s all good, I’m just riding some of HIS hype.There’s generations of youngsters on the Southside that are growing up listening to his music, Moe has a lot of pull on the street. If I can grab on to that young adult crowd that have bought over 200,000 copies of his debut album City of Syrup?? Mane..those are the kinda folks that are going to be ready to read some of this Real Game.
C’mon now! You’re talking about young black folks and reading?? Those two don’t go together! Everybody just wants to watch TV, listen to music, drink, dance or party. The only time most young black folks read is when they HAVE to! You’re going to be wasting your time if you try to write for THAT group mane..they don’t read.
Well..a lot of them don’t read because they haven’t tasted anything to really whet their appetite. I’m servinemup mane..I can make them fiend for more.
Oh yeah? What makes you so sure??
Just take this post..of all the folks that started reading JUST because they saw that picture of Big Moe with that fine video chick next to him, some of them are sober enough and diligent enough to read it all the way down to this point.
Soo..now they’re all the way down into almost a thousand words and they’re locked in trying to really figure out what I’m talking about.
Everybody knows what’ you’re talking about..Big Moe.
No..the title isn’t Big Moe..it’s Big Mo..without an ‘e’.
What’s the difference?
M-O-E is a rapper and singer, M-O is short for Moses…God’s Deliverer.
Awww mane!! You trying to backdoor us with that God stuff??!!
Hey..I tell folks all the time, the freshest thing on servinemup.com is the Bible School Lessons, but a lot of folks don’t read them because it rarely has any pictures or hype..we just get straight off into that Word.
Yeah..well, you know, that’s still jut like being at church. Some folks just ain’t trying to see that mane..they’re too scared they’re going to see something that’s going to make them start feeling guilty about their life..that’s why most folks don’t go to church now. They might say it’s because there’s too many offerings or the people are too ‘phony’..but most folks just don’t want to hear that real mane..it makes them feel too fake in their lives.
Well..at least when folks come through here, I know they won’t be able to say that nobody ever told them about what’s real.
Everybody ain’t trying to be free D…some folks just want to remain slaves to the world, just taking care of their own lives, their own bills and problems, they’re not trying to anchor their soul in that real and they have no interest in that other level..it doesn’t even occur to them.
Yeah..but that ain’t real though! I don’t care how much wealth or power you have in this world, ‘what does it profit a man to gain the whole wide world and lose his own soul??‘ (Mk 8:36)
Well D..you can keep bringing them to the water, but you can’t make them drink..unless of course you start putting some syrup in the drank, then n'gas would be lined up FIENDING to drink it then!!
Yeah..well..I’m servin something that’s more potent than codeine. Once you start getting off into that Word..you’ll start fiending so bad that you’ll have to read it throughout your day. In the mornings, lunch breaks, evening, bedtime..the Bible is so rich and nourishing, it will replenish your soul and get you ready.
Ready for what?
Whateva!! Take ol buddy Moses..Big Mo. We were talking about him in this week’s Bible lesson. Moses was born a Hebrew slave in Egypt, but he was raised in the Pharaoh’s house with all the strappings and education of royalty, but Moses always knew that he was Hebrew by blood. One day Moses saw an Egyptian master beating a Hebrew slave and he killed the Egyptian and buried his body in the sand. But once word got out that Moses, a Hebrew, had killed an Egyptian, that’s when Moses knew he had to break out of there, because he would be killed for murdering an Egyptian. When I first read those verses, I projected that same situation to the African-American slavery period here in the US. Of course, our color barriers are more distinct than Hebrews and Egyptians, but if a black slave would have killed a white overseer..ya’ll already know what would have happened. So of course, Moses HAD to leave the country. But this act of homicide by Moses, even though it was avenging the beating of one of his brethren, shows that God knows how to work with us..all of us. No matter how violent our temper may be. There’s a lot of boiling ‘Moses’ out there who grow agitated and disturbed whenever they see a fellow brethren being brutally mistreated by their oppressor and they feel vindicated in acting out against this ‘wrong’. But when you look at the consequences that Moses had to face due to this one act of passion, it will make you stop and think about what’s REALLY worth it. Moses didn’t go to jail, but he did end up tending flocks of sheep out in the remote areas of the wild for 40 years. He wasn’t locked up in jail, but tending stubborn and obstinate animals such as sheep in the wild would probably make you wish you had the responsibility free life of being in jail. This was a man that was raised as a royal prince in the Pharaoh’s mansion, having to go through 40 years of tending sheep in the wild made Moses go through some changes in his life. He had to learn patience. And when you go on to read about Moses and the burning bush and Moses’ reluctance to be God’s spokesperson ‘I am slow of speech’, we learn that God used these 40 years to get Moses ready for his task. When God puts His hands on you, you’re locked up and He won’t let you out. You can try to avoid it and ignore it all you want, but once you realize that you’re in the belly of a beast, or sunk in the depths of a pit then you will have nowhere else to reach but up. It is through our most trying times that we gain our most spiritual growth toward the Lord. Once those bullets start flying, or once that doctor‘s prognosis starts sounding pretty dire and grim, there are no atheists. Big Mo is a very important servant that the Lord used to serve the children of Israel. Because after Moses spent those 40 years tending sheep, God called him to lead his people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. God even told Moses upfront that Pharaoh’s heart was going to be hardened (Ex 4:21) and that the Pharaoh would not LET the people go. That’s kinda weird when you stop and think about it. God was setting Moses up to lead the people out of Egypt, yet He was making it a much more difficult task by hardening the Pharaoh’s heart. The lesson to be learned here is that God wanted the children of Israel to know WHO was delivering them from 400 years of slavery. It wasn’t Moses..it wasn’t the Pharoah..the children of Israel were saved by God and God only..the One who described Himself as ‘I AM’. (Ex. 3:14). That’s a heavy verse right there too, it’s obviously something that only God could say. He’s not limited by time like us mere mortals. HE IS..and HE always has been. Everyone isn’t called to lead the children out of Israel, or perform miracles in front of the Pharaoh, but God calls ALL of His children toward His purpose. What about you? Have you spent any time on your knees praying to “I AM” lately?? Have you asked Him to reveal His purpose for your life?? If you haven’t even ASKED Him.,then you REALLY don’t know what’s up.