When it comes to PR issues, the Christian team could do a lot better.
Name it and claim it ministers, swindlers, crooked financial dealers, womanizers, XXX-rated writers, pastors being caught at those places where the lil boys be dancing on tables, it’s a lot of janky Christians that make non-Believers smirk at our team.
Because in the year of our Lord 2006, the publicized rate of jankiness, random acts of hatred and sinfulness are becoming more common and expected instead of shocking.
We are being de-sensitized by the increased rates of violence and destruction in the media.
We are being eroticized by the influx of sexual images in our lives. Commercials. Billboards. TV. Radio. Movies. Sex is being pushed on every corner. Everybody’s in love with (or wants to be) a stripper. Young girls and women are fantasizing of their time to be on that pole.
The more we see it, the less we’re tripping when we see it again. At least, that’s the way it works for the people who have hardened hearts.
Satan is manipulating and controlling the earthly world as we know it. This fleshly battle that we deal with; murder and rape, child molestation, greed, corruption, hate crimes, etc. These are the headlines fueled by the evil one.
They want to feed our children images of violence and war. They want to get into the minds of our young people and make them think life is all about material wealth.
You gotta be blinging and flossing if you’re gonna be somebody.
Who cares how good you do on that test..you’re going to be a rapper or a football player!!!
You don’t need to work hard and try to do your best in that ol sellout whiteboy shit like Algebra or English!!
Young girls don’t need to be smart, they just need to know how to look like a stripper so that they can get some man that they can let get up on it and pay their bills.
I love Beyonce. I think she’s a very attractive, warm young lady with the love of God in her heart. And I know she’s in a position where if she conveys a particular sort of image, she is more marketable and thus makes more money.
Don’t get it twisted, entertainment is all about making money in the trenches.
So Beyonce is shaking that bootylicious and these young black girls from the Southside are looking up to her as somebody that made it through hard work and looking fine.
Because those who saw the original Destiny’s Child stage act back when they were still doing talent shows around Houston know that Beyonce’s dancing and singing skills have come a long way. She’s put that work in and she’s reaping the rewards. You should shake Beyonce’s hand and give her a hug when you see her, because in the hustle and working hard aspect of the game, she has been an excellent model for our girls.
But the problem comes in with the reality of Beyonce being onstage in front of millions of eyes and giving them what they came to see. What they paid to see. And our young ladies get out there and want to dress like Beyonce. Nobody wants to be the fat ugly girl that no guys want to talk to. Everybody wants to feel sexy and desirable.

When you compare the voices of two Southside of Houston songstresses, like Beyonce and Yolanda Adams, you can see where Yolanda still has her when it comes to reaching down into that soul with your voice. But I’m sure Yolanda couldn’t sing worth a lick if she had to do some of the dance routines that Beyonce does either.
Sex sells. Sexiness is definitely in and Beyonce and Yolanda are definitely sexy women. Yet they project very different images.
When a young girl wants to dress and carry herself so that she looks sexy like Beyonce does onstage, then she needs to be aware of the consequences that go along with that.
When you are out to attract the attention of a man, you better realize the sharks, wolves and pimps that are lurking out there waiting for something attractive to catch their eye are going to be looking too. Fresh bait.
The more revealing and sexually explicit your clothing, the larger array of sharks, wolves and pimps that you will attract into your space.
Customers might fall in love with a stripper, but nobody wants to marry one. Because the nature of a man will often lead to jealous suspicion concerning his woman’s past.
How many n’gaz have you slept with?? Did you suck his d?? Where have you been???
Hell may hath no fury like a woman scorned, but it ain’t nothing nice being around a jealous and insecure n’ga who has a good reason to worry about what his gal has been doing. Talk about seeing a n’ga TRIPPING!!!
Ironically, it’s always usually the guys who’ve done the most dirt themselves that trip the most.
As successful, beautiful and talented as Beyonce is..do you think she would say no if Jay Z asked her to marry him?
I think she’d say yes and be smiling from ear to ear, maybe even crying a lil bit. Just happy. She really acts likes she loves that n’ga. You don’t hear about her out freaking it down with R.Kelly or sneaking off with Tiger Woods..Beyonce is keeping her game tight. She ain’t flipping from n’ga to n’ga like a lot of other well known entertainers.
Monogamy is a good thing. It’s not sanctified like marriage, but it’s definitely a starting point from all those things in this world that is trying to sell you free love, free sex, get it get it gir!!
So why aren’t they married?
Waiting on getting the money together? No. Their paperwork is looking splendid!!

Not to put Jay Z on the spot, cuz I’ve never met him, and he seems like a cool az n’ga to me. I’d love to do an interview with him and Nas. We can all have our gals with us, I’ll set out some steaks and fresh fish on the grill, have a drink or two, play some dominoes, listen to some Tito Puente, just chill and talk about what it’s going to take to bring all these young soldiers together. Yeah, I know they both got some bad (meaning fine) gals, but I’m bringing a stunna to the table too. Wazzup?
Because there is a different level of responsibility for those of us who have Christ in our heart. It will sometimes make you feel like the kid looking out the window while all the other kids are outside laughing, playing and having fun. It can make you cry so much that you'll turn into a pillar of salt.
No one is perfect and we are all striving to reach that mark. We are not saved, we are being saved. Faith is not a static position. We move from glory to glory.
So if we can get more rappers and more entertainers, more writers, more movie producers, more media executives to be more responsible and cognizant of the Lord in which we serve. And we make Jesus the focal point of our lives instead of something we just do one day out of the week. Then it will send a loud and reverberating signal out into the world.
Beyonce songs have changed and now are all about discovering who you are through your faith in God!!
Jay Z has stopped glorifying fornication, drugs and gangsterism. Now he’s rapping about putting God first in your life. Instead of rapping about Jayhovah, he’s rhyming about JEHOVAH!!
It could happen, and you KNOW it will be jamming.
It would be a glorious wedding that I would be honored to write the ‘Jay and B – How God Brought Us Together’ storyline in the wedding program. They’ll probably want me to be The Godfather of all their kids and stuff.
I don’t know what you’re laughing at…it could happen.