I guess I’m what you could call a naturally crunk individual. It didn’t just start when I picked up my pen, I’ve been like this my whole life. Whenever somebody looked like they were laughing and having fun? I had to jump in and compete.
“Ya’ll n’gaz ain’t go have mo fun than ME!!”
That was the mantra that I lived by. Actually, I guess you can say that I still live by this code. Only I changed my game up a bit and got as real as you can get. Anybody can flirt along the lines of damn foolery, but once you get a natural n’ga who knows how to ‘ack a fool!!’ but has enough sense to anchor his soul in the Lord and put God first in his life?
Ooooweee mane.
I almost feel sorry for all ya’ll fake n’gaz out there. Ya’ll ain’t go like D.
Someone asked me the other day what kind of writer did I aspire to be..
“You heard me, what kind of books are you gonna write? Is it gonna be fiction or non-fiction?”
“I don’t think either category could fittingly describe my style.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t think you could put my work in the fiction or the non-fiction section, you’d just have to label it under ‘real’.”
“There is no such thing as a ‘real’ section of a bookstore!!”
“I plan on changing that.”
Of course, some may think I’m being obnoxious by making such a claim, but I’m sorry if that offends you. My family always taught me to speak up and never be afraid to stand up for what I believe in, even around them white folks. This childhood training fell right in line when it came time for me to cross over into the land of Believers.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek” – Romans 1:16 KJV
I know I’m not the only n’ga writing in the world that believes in Jesus. But even if I was the only one, that’s just how it would have to be, cuz I ain’t go quit praising His Name for nobody.
So like I was saying, I’m a naturally crunk individual and I’m real, so it throws a lot of people off a bit. They’re not used to being around people like me. So as they stop and gawk and stare, they have the natural urge to poke and prod and see if they can spot the fraud. Cuz a n’ga just can’t be THIS real..can he??
Hmm..D.E. Washington, Southside Christian Writer? I bet that n’ga ain’t even really from the Southside, he probably from Pearland or something.
Naww n’ga..you missed. I’m from Sugarvalley Texas. And if you don’t know where that is, then you probably ain’t never spent much time in Sunnyside.
Ohh.okay, so he IS from the hood. He was probably one of them nerd n’gaz who was too scaid to come outside and play in the streets with all the real n’gaz.
Nope. Missed me again. Sugarvalley is a hood full of players. N’gaz that have Division 1 game, the main problem we had was keeping n’gaz out of jail. Sugarvalley has a high rate of convicted felons, n’gaz with strikes on their back. Not all of the dudes that grew up in Sugarvalley were felons, but we had more than our fair share. But I really ain’t tripping on that either, because we already could tell a lot of the n’gaz that were going to wind up in jail even back when we were kids playing on the street. Some n’gaz were aggravated even as kids, before they ended up catching an aggravated assault case as adults. When it came to game, I was never the biggest, fastest, strongest or quickest. With the n’gaz I grew up with in Sugarvalley, I was usually matched against a n’ga who had a LOT more athletic ability than I did. Them n’gaz made me play up. Because if I didn’t hustle and be about my game, I was going to be dominated. And n’gaz who get dominated don’t get picked when it’s time to select a squad. It ain’t fun being that last n’ga of the lot..
Ya’ll take D on yo team!!
Hell naw!! I don’t want that lil n’ga on my team!! Ya’ll take em!!
Nun-uh!! We don’t want him either!!
Sitting on the curb watching all the big kids play ain’t a lot of fun. It will make you work on your game. The main edge I had to work with was my brain, quick wit and my hustle. I had to out think them n’gaz and out work them. If you know a n’ga can jump out the gym and dunk from the free throw line, you better make sure you don’t give him a clear path to the basket, or else get ready to get clowned. I ain’t gotta front, I HAVE been dunked on before. But if you ask any n’ga from Sugarvalley about D.E. Washington’s game, they’re gonna tell you that I’m the kind of n’ga you want on your team.
"You NEED me on that wall!!" – Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men
N’gaz can’t leave me open, cuz I can knock down jumpers all day. I’ve hit gamewinners while hooping for money all the way out in Studewood. My game is real. And the realest part about it, is that I’ve never felt like I had to be the star. I don’t care if I don’t hit nairn point in the game. As long as my man didn’t get any easy buckets and my team wins? It’s all good to me. I just wanna win.
Then you go from the street level of sports and hooping to the parks and gyms

But by the time the games were on, they realized that we played hard for 94 feet up the court. We played defense, offensively. We’re not only trying to stop you, we’re trying to take the ball from you and go the other way. We could hunt as good as velociraptors. It used to make a lot of n’gaz mad, because they were used to getting open jumpers or easy layups. You couldn’t do that with us. I’ll grab a n’ga and put him in a bear hug before I’ll just ‘give’ him an open lane to the basket. You gotta be careful hooping on the Southside tho. We were hooping in 3rd Ward one time and this one dude wearing blue jeans was giving my podna a FIT!! It got so bad, that as we were going back up the court after a made basket, I looked at him and asked him what’s up?
“You can’t hold that n’ga??”
He looked back at me and just shrugged his shoulders..
“Mane..that n’ga got a gun in his pocket and he keep leaning into me to make sure I feel it. He trying to start something.”
“Oh…well…you better let that n’ga make it.”
“Shii..who you telling? That n’ga can hit 50 if he want, I just know I’m going home without getting shot!!”
I’ve put in my work on the Southside streets, I ain’t gotta front to kick it, n’gaz already know how real my game is. And it doesn’t stop with basketball, I played sandlot football, baseball, and f

So I guess I’m a rare breed. It’s not a lot of n’gaz from the hood that like to read and write, play golf and don’t have any gold teeth, felony convictions or tattoos. I ain’t never even owned a pair of Jordan’s in my life. I’m telling ya, I’m a strange n’ga. The closest I’ve come to having a grill was when I had those stainless steel braces on my teeth. (thanks mom & dad!)
So when it comes to uplifting the name of God and spreading the Word about the goodness of Christ, I throw a lot of people off, because they thought it wasn’t when it was. Just because the Spirit has pricked my heart and I’ve submitted myself to God’s will doesn’t mean that I’m ‘miraculously’ changed into a whole different person.
God didn’t change who I was, He just changed who I served.
I’m sorry if I offend some folks. It’s a lot of people who get it twisted and think I’m supposed to be their preacher and and http://www.servinemup.com/ is supposed to be like church. I realize that I write about some real things about what thus saith the Lord, but I also write about some real things in life, past and present. So I do have curse words and allusions and references to an ‘unsaved’ lifestyle, such as drinking til I was drunk, chasing women or smoking up a pound.
I think too many ‘church’ folks make people who aren’t IN the church feel uncomfortable by pointing fingers and being judgemental. Don’t none of us have a heaven or a hell to put anybody into. All Christians have a past and all sinners have a future.
If not for anything else, I know my work is helping others along their way toward growing stronger in the Lord, because reading D. Washington let’s them know that Jesus does save throwed off naturally crunk n’gaz too. It’s God will that we ALL be saved.
“Who desires to have all men be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” – I Timothy 2:4
The problem is that some ng’az are just so throwed and hard headed, that they don’t want to listen to nobody. They don’t go to church, they won’t study their Bibles, they won’t listen to anybody who starts ‘preaching’ to them. But then they may happen to stumble across a naturally crunk brother like me and they have to pause and cock their head to the side.

“That n’ga looks like he’s having FUN!! Does Jesus allow Christians to have fun?? I thought being a Christian meant living a boring lifestyle??”
Nawww mane..ya’ll n’gaz got it twisted. Once you have Christ in your heart, you’re finally FREE!!! It’s like I said before, ya’ll n’gaz ain’t go have mo fun than me!!