You’re listening to KSRV FM 33.3 on your radio dial! Giving you the most in music and information on the Southside!! This is the late show with your host, the man of the hour that makes the ladies scream and holler, DJ Get-Wit-Cha and I’m ready to get this thang started. Like we say on the Southside, ’It’s ON again!!‘
The phone lines are open now, give us a call and get ‘served’, ya’ll know the number!! The hot topic for tonight is..’The Morning After Pill’…should it be an over the counter drug? Some say yes, some say no, let’s hear what the Southside’s got to say about it!
Before we start answering the lines, let’s listen to the soulful sounds of Maze featuring Frankie Beverly. This is from their 1993 album titled ‘Back to the Basics’, listen to my boy Frankie as he breaks down ‘The Morning After’…
(chorus)After the morning after,
After the night before,
When all of the fun is over,
Will you love me anymore??
Man! Frankie sings those songs that make you reflect on LIFE! Real things going on in hard times! Our phone lines are lighting up like a crack house on the 1st of the month!!! Let’s gone and get to it…we’ve got Kendrieka calling in from that Mo’ City…what it do K-baby??
K: Heyyy, DJ Get-Wit-Cha?
D: You already know!! What do you have to say about this emergency contraceptive?
K: I’m just trying to understand what you’re talking about??
D: The Morning After Pill..also known as Plan B emergency contraceptive.
K: What does it do??
D: Good question..I’ve got a product release from the advisory committee that has recommended making the drug available over-the-counter to the FDA.
Plan B works by keeping a fertilized egg from implanting in the wall of the uterus. If the egg is already attached to the uterine wall -- which happens from seven to nine days after the egg is fertilized -- Plan B will not have any effect. It actually prevents three things potentially from happening.
· Ovulation, which actually prevents the eggs from getting down the fallopian tube in the first place
· Fertilization, which prevents the egg and the sperm actually coming together
· Implantation, which is sort of the third process predicating a pregnancy
Women have to take this either right after and 12 hours, or within about 72 hours, of unprotected sex. Emergency contraceptives DO NOT protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
K: Oh. So this is a pill you take to keep from GETTING pregnant after you’ve had unprotected sex?
D: Exactly. This is not to be confused with the so-called abortion pill, RU-486. The morning after pill prevents pregnancies from forming, while the abortion pill terminates the developing fertilized egg attached to the uterine wall.
K: I didn’t even know they had that kinda stuff available.
D: Emergency contraceptive pills have been around for over 25 years, but it wasn’t until the late 1990’s that they became available on the US Market, by prescription only.
K: Alright then…thanks for the info!
D: No problem Ken..consider yourself ‘served’! Next up we have Bebe calling in from that Dirty Third..3rd Ward, Texas..what’s up Bebe?? Where yo kids??
B: That’s what I’m calling for!! If I would have had these pills, 2 of these lil bad mf’s wouldn’t be here right now!!
D: Uhhh…
B: See, this is the kinda stuff that them white folks been using for YEARS and all the poor black folks didn’t even know it was INVENTED!!
D: Well..it HAS been available by prescription for everyone…
B: Naww..ain’t nobody EVER told me about this right here! I’ve got 5 kids right now, and if I would have known about this ‘morning after’ pill, I’d probably only have about 2!! I just want to know how much they cost??
D: Right now, they’re available by prescription only and they cost between $20-$30 per dose. If they make it available over the counter, the price is likely to increase.
B: Well, I got me a doc that will write me a ‘scrip..I don’t have to wait!!
D: Yeah..but remember, it’s not supposed to be used as a form of regular birth control, it’s an EMERGENCY contraceptive, like for rape victims.
B: Yeah right..emergency! You already know that a LOT of women have ‘emergencies’ every weekend after going out partying and getting their freak on!
D: That’s one of the things that they’re afraid of…teenage girls and women who abuse the pill and take it regularly.
B: What’s wrong with that?? It’s better than these same girls going to the abortion clinic every other month!
D: Therein lies the biggest point of debate. Thanks for calling in Bebe..take care of your kids and I’m glad you called in to get ‘served’.
B: Thank you DJ Get-Wit-Cha, for always keeping it REAL!!
D: All-ready!! Be careful out there Bebe. We’re going to take a commercial break and pay some bills now ya’ll. Keep your game tight and your sex loop tighter, its WILD out there in the 2-3 ya’ll. This is DJ Git-Wit-Cha with FM KSRV 33.3..THE place to get ‘served’ on your radio dial!! _____________________________________
Our past 2 Sunday school lessons have dealt with mortal infertility being overcome by God’s plan. There are multitudes of couples that deal with this problem today. Millions of dollars a year are spent on doctor fees, fertility drugs and procedures which greatly increase the probability fertilization. On the other end of that spectrum are the millions of women who have unwanted pregnancies every year.
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology estimates that of the 6.3 million annual pregnancies, over half are unwanted. One out of four of these unwanted pregnancies end in abortion. Abortion is a highly controversial topic in today’s society. Hardliner Bible thumpers are extremely opposed to the procedure, on the grounds of it being the equivalent to premeditated murder in the eyes of God. Women’s rights advocates tout the diametrically opposing view. They believe a woman should always have a free choice to make concerning her own body.
I don’t know how to label my opinion on the matter, since I fully agree with both arguments. Everyone doesn’t read the same Bible and worship the same God as I do. And the God that I serve does not allow for any compulsion in religion. No one should be forced to adhere to God’s law. It’s a choice of faith that we all have to make.
I’m sure there are thousands of men and women praying fervently every day for a late period to arrive. There are also probably just as many men and women praying fervently for God to grant them the blessing of conceiving a child. Contraceptives have been around for years: condoms, birth control pills, IUD, the patch, the shot, female condoms, foam, spermicide, etc. There are some groups that are against any and all forms of mechanical or pharmaceutical birth control.
The Plan B emergency contraceptive is an ‘after the act’ mechanism which has shown high rates of effectiveness when used with the proper procedures. Many people have had accidents or mistakes caused by high emotions, drugs or alcohol that have caused them to do things that they wish they didn’t afterwards. The main fear I have for Plan B being made available as an over the counter drug is its potential for rampant abuse. The abortion rate would definitely decline, but by making the pill more convenient, it will give some an added safety device, which could promote increased sexual recklessness. The obvious goal is to focus more on what happens the night before, instead of pre-planning for the morning after.