Say MANE!!?!
Why you being JANKY wit it??!
Huh? What are you talking about??
I’m sitting here looking at your website, trying to get ‘served’ and everytime I click the refresh button, the counter on the page goes up!
You ain’t really had no 6,000 visitors!!
No, I haven’t..not yet.
So why you trying to hype it up like that?
The counter that’s displayed on the website only tracks ‘clicks’. If you click on an archive page or any link on my website, the counter goes up…reloads too.
So..how many readers do you REALLY have then?
The last time I checked, it was a little over 1900 visitors. When you consider that most people who visit, check in at least twice a week and then add in the crazy people like you who just like to keep clicking the reload button so that you can watch the counter increase, that 6,000+ number makes a lot more sense.
Oh. Well I guess that’s still pretty good…your sh’t is TIGHT tho..I ain’t go lie. Everytime I read one of them, I’m either laughing or learning something new.
Thank you, entertainment value is an integral part of my objective..I write for a pretty diverse group, so everybody doesn’t ‘get’ some of the humor, but I think I’m staying true.
No doubt…hey..when you go do one with me on there?
I dunno..what do you want to do?
Shii…I can go get G’ed up and take some pimp pictures with me standing next to some butt nekkid h..
Whoa whoa whoaaa..podna!! It ain’t even that kinda party. My parents, cousins, family, people I grew up with in church all read the site, I’m not trying to go ‘pimpin’, I’m not serving it up like that, its not that kind of party.
Well, what are you servin then?
Reality, information, laughs and things that make you go hmmmm. I try to write it so that people who don’t normally READ for understanding can still get IN to what I’m trying to say. I do use curse words from time to time, but it’s rated PG-17..not XXX.
Oh..well, whenever you DO get ready to do the ‘freak’ stuff, just let ME know, cuz if you start throwing some T and A in the mix, your visitors, clickers, whateva you want to call them will QUADRUPLE in this mug!! (laughing)
I’m sure it would…but I’d rather build my base up on the Rock..cuz that’s what’s going to last.
The Rock the wrestler?? I didn’t see any articles on him??
No, not the wrestler, I’m talking about THE Rock.
Oh..you talking about….
You already know.
Servinemup has reached its 3-month milestone of being ‘up and functional’. Many thanks to all of those that have stuck with it since the ‘coming out’ party in July. Everybody is on his or her own schedules and time, but even if you check in just once a week or so, your presence is still greatly appreciated. The chart above is a global breakdown by time zones of all the visitors to Servinemup. As you can see, the Eastern and Central (Southside!) time zones are the core of the reader base. Much props to all my East Coast family in New Jersey, New York, D.C., Maryland, Virginia, Atlanta, Charlotte and Philly that are passing along the URL to others. Most people who come and check it out at least once, always come back.
Cali and the rest of the West Coast is kinda slow to catch on, but what do you expect from a state that elects Conan the Barbarian for governor? J Pookie? Steph? Coach Kev? and the rest of my ‘peoples’ out West? what are ya’ll doin out there?? Go ahead and step it up a notch and ‘serve up’ the URL to some more Pacific time zone folks. There’s a group somewhere over in Southeast Asia that’s getting ‘served’ regularly too...I haven’t figured that one out yet, but WELCOME!!
Hopefully everyone will just make themselves comfortable, browse through the archives until you find something you REALLY like and either drop a comment on the site or just email me at servinemup2@aol.com to let me know that you’re feeling the vibe or that you think I’m full of sh’t. Everybody isn’t going to agree with all of my slants and viewpoints, but that’s to be expected, I actually welcome dissenting opinions. Because I truly believe that it’s only by discussing differences in viewpoints, that true growth and understanding can be attained.
Once again, thanks for coming to get ‘served’ and I hope you enjoy the show. Go Cubs!!