Most of the people I work with everyday can be described as over 50, white, conservative Republicans.
Being the minority in an environment (although I actually do consider myself a moderate-conservative), gives me the opportunity to be a fly on the wall and listen and observe how others think.
I couldn't help but overhear one water-cooler conversation regarding Barack Obama..
"He hides it from the general public, but he grew up Muslim in this radical terrorist camp."

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. I've read Obama's book, 'Dreams of My Father' and I knew this to be completely false. But just before I barged into the conversation, to 'enlighten' the participants of what the real truth was, I paused. And I realized that most people believe what they WANT to believe.
But for those who have to deal with similar situations, here's a list (that I didn't compose but gathered from another forum) of common myths about Obama. I'll be sure to update this page, as I'm sure new myths will continue to pop up the closer we get to the election.
Claim: “Why does Obama not participate in saying the ‘Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America’?”
Truth: Obama does participate in saying the Pledge, and has done so throughout his life. The claim is false.
Claim: “Have you or anyone else ever seen Obama with his hand over his heart while the National Anthem is being played?”

Fact: During the Pledge, he recites it with his hand over his heart. During the National Anthem, he sings. The U.S. Code makes it optional: “[W]e spoke with Anne Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society — home of the original manuscript of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and asked if anyone could be punished for not placing their hands over their hearts during the national anthem. She quickly replied, ‘Oh, of course not,’ adding that ‘there is no obligation to put your hand over your heart.’ Garside told us she has been asked numerous times about this rumor and finds the controversy to have ‘gotten a little bit ridiculous.’”
Claim: “Are you aware that Obama’s middle name is Mohammed?”
Fact: His middle name is “Hussein.”
Claim: To join Obama’s Christian church in Chicago, you “need to be…black.”
Fact: Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have repeated this claim on the air, and it’s false. Martin Marty, a professor of theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School, said last April: “To those in range of Chicago TV I’d recommend a watching of Trinity’s Sunday services, an

Claim: Obama is “possibly a covert worshiper of the Muslim faith, even today.”
Fact: This is from the same email that attacks Obama’s Christian church, which seems odd. The smear artists should probably at least read their own emails before sending them out — Obama can’t be a radical Christian and a Muslim at the same time. (He is, of course, neither.)
Claim: Obama “spent two years in a Muslim school” in Indonesia.
Fact: No, he didn’t.
Claim: “Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim.”
Fact: Obama was never a Muslim, so he has nothing to conceal.
Claim: Obama has “been a US Senator for about 100 days, give or take a week.”
Fact: Obama was elected in 2004, and has served in elected office for 12 years.

Claim: “When [Obama] was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.”
Fact: Actually, that was Rep. Keith Ellison (D) of Minnesota, Congress’ only Muslim. Obama used the Christian Bible, and there’s a picture to prove it.
Claim: Lanny Davis said, "I say that senator Obama's words are contradicted by deeds. He said he would -- he pledged to take public financing as now senator McCain has pledged. He has just reversed that pledge." [Late Edition, 2/17/08]
Fact: Obama Campaign Never Committed To Public Financing in a General Election, But That He Would Pursue a Deal When He Is the Nominee
Obama Campaign Asked the FEC to Determine Whether It Could "Retain the Option" of Accepting Public Financing During the General Election. On February 1, 2007, the Obama campaign asked the FEC to determine whether if "Senator Obama becomes a candidate, he may provisionally raise funds for the general election but retain the option, upon nomination, of returning these contributions and accepting the public funds for which he would be eligible as the Democratic Party's nominee... the Senator would not, if the law allows, rule out the possibility of a publicly funded campaign if both major parties' nominees eventually decide, or even agree, on this course." [Letter to FEC, 2/1/07]
Burton: If The Republican Agreed, Public Financing "Would Be Something We Would Explore." Politico reported, "‘It would be a situation where if the Republican agreed to opt-in to the public financing system, it would be something we would explore,' Burton said." [Politico, 2/27/07]
Burton: "There Is No Pledge." The AP reported, "Obama spokesman Bill Burton on Thursday called public financing "an option that we wanted on the table," but said "there is no pledge" to take the money and the spending limitations that come with it." [AP, 2/17/08]
Claim: Obama plagiarized a line in one of his speeches from Gov. Deval Patrick
Fact: Gov. Deval Patrick himself says that it was not plagiarism and that the charges were not fair.
Patrick called the comment "not fair" and said, "It's not just about words, it's about great ideas. … These are iconic phrases."
Patrick says an allegation such as plagiarism is too much. "It's not like he's writing a law review article or a book. He should have credited me two words," the governor said.
Patrick and Obama have longstanding ties and similarities. Like Obama, Patrick faced a tough race against a woman, is a fellow Harvard grad and the two are old friends. They even share political adviser David Axelrod.
"I've known Barack 15 years. We've talked a good deal. I fully expected he would sustain a charge at some point, trying to belittle his ability to motivate people. I got the same attack," Patrick said.