Cooking 50 ounces off a bird.
20 in the front seat, 40 in the back.
350 for a pt. of drank.
125 for a quarter pound of regular and 125 for 7 grams of dro.
$2 for a fish sammich.
That’s what’s up.
Everybody doesn’t know what those numbers and names mean. They don’t know anything about cooking chickens in the kitchen.
Riding through the hood with a bad yellow bone tricking her body out the car.
Sipping that purple drank.
Smoking crack in the car while stopping at a red-light.
I’ve seen all that with my naked eyes right here on the Southside of Houston Texas.
I’m not just a visitor passing through, I’m a resident and a native.
I was raised in this tropical concrete sauna, down here on the latitude and longitude in
And as you sit back and look at all the problems that’s going on in the hood.
Drug addiction. Felony convictions. Pimping and whoring. Stealing. Raping. Killing.
People may talk the most about cocaine, crack, heroin and weed, but on the cool the biggest drugs pushed on the Southside are alcohol, caffeine and nicotine. But they all have legal paperwork attached to them, so they’re allowed out in the open.
I realize that the society that we know is crumbling.
There is significant group of the ‘have’s’ who are progressing steadily, but there is a vastly larger group of the ‘have not’s’ who are digressing into primitive behavior patterns.
So as we have that ever growing divide between the have’s and the have not’s, there is a growing turmoil that’s brewing.
Everybody needs more police officers and security on the street.
The abortion clinic market is providing a lucrative business for a lot of people.
And the penitentiary numbers are swelling, especially on the juvenile level.
So me and my podna Curvey sat down and chopped it up about a lot of these issues. And instead of being the kind of people who see it on TV and shake their head and talk about how much it’s a shame, then turn the TV off and go right back to their own world that doesn’t have to touch HIV infection rates, teen pregnancies, abused children, drug addicts, learning deficiencies, we put a plan into action.
Our kids are being crippled.
They don’t have people around them to teach them a better way, cuz their mama is running around with a different dude every week and their daddy is in and out of jail. Their grandparents could help, but some of them require assisted living and can barely keep up with themselves.
Volunteer for some community service. Be a big brother to somebody or something.
It’s kinda hard to get deep into that when you have your own kids to take care of. Because sometimes you have to make sure you’re there for your own kids to meet their needs. But God will prick your heart and let you know when it’s time to join some live action on the battlefield.
Our children need our time.
You’ve got to spend time with them and let them be around you.
Let them watch how you handle your business.
Example is a lasting teacher.
Most little boys can be potty trained a lot sooner if they can see their daddy standing up and peeing in the toilet. It’s true.
Our children’s most regular teacher is television. Videos, movies, reality shows, video games.
So it’s all the way real down here. We’re reporting live with our feet on the ground.
It is in my opinion, one of the forefronts of the battle.
The evil forces of this world are attacking our families.
There's a lot of mothers who got Father's Day cards this past Sunday because they have to perform both duties, as father and mother to their children.
Demonic imagery, idolatry, sexual perversion and the ‘get rich even if you got to jack somebody to do it’ mindset is usurping our young culture.
What can save them? How can you reach a misguided person?
I think the answer lies in the heart.
“My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:” – Proverbs 3:1
A person’s heart has to be touched if they’re going to truly change.
Curvey agrees with me 100%.
In the street realm, I would be known as the cooker.
I’m the one who pens the ink at Servinemup.
Curvey would be known as the pusher.
The one that’s delivering packs (of books) to customers.
Hollering at those who need to get something real into their lives.
I’m the QB and Curvey is the running back, and when I hand him the rock, he’s one of those top speed head down kinda players. Especially on the goal line when it’s time to man up. In the open field he will put a juke move on a defender. But more than likely he’s going to make the contact. Make em feel it.
It’s one of those dead game traits common for
When it was Curvey’s turn to man that Mike position for the green and gold on
You don’t have any choice but to come with it when you play middle linebacker for Michael Singletary, set the standard when he played there.
I wasn’t a football player, I played baseball. And I didn’t attend
Northside, don’t matter, we’re all dealing with the same problems in our homes.
Yessirrrr. We’re not coming out empty handed, we have a
Tommy Curvey – Distribution Manager, (713) 731-4737
L.F. Lubin
We’ve got a tight squad. And I want to thank everyone around the world that has shown love and support for Servinemup Ink. Not just here on the Southside, but all over the world.
I never realized how big this was, until I started getting inquiries and requests from all over the globe:
To God be the glory.