Okay..I guess I need to back up a bit, because a lot of people are new around here and they’re not quite catching on to what’s going on here at www.servinemup.com. First thing I need to do, is introduce myself. My Aunt C told me that one. You may not be able to tell, but Aunt C looks like it’s underlined on your screen. When you see something underlined on this page, that usually means that it’s a hyperlink and if you click on it, it will take you to another page. So..now you all know about my Aunt C.

Anyway..Aunt C gave me some tidbits of advice in terms of delving into the creative realm of business. Writing is an art form, like singing or playing an instrument. And when you’re going to use your creative talents in the pursuit of a profession, it’s a good thing. Because first of all, if you pursue your career in a field that nourishes your natural talents, you will always be motivated to do it, because it will be your passion. Unlike those who do things strictly for the money.
One of the best pieces of advice she gave me was ‘don’t buy the pig’. When those headlines and press clippings are showering you with praises and all your readers are telling you how wonderful you are..don’t buy the pig. Stay hungry. Not too hungry so that you starve, but hungry enough so that you don’t get complacent.
You have a strong and real voice nephew..use it. Make sure that they know who you are.
So as I sat down to write out my testimony. To write down what it really means to be David Earl Washington, II. That’s what the D and E stands for..it’s really no secret. But as this blog has grown, it has made me to become more aware of what it really means to be in the public eye. When you bare your soul for public display through the written word via blogging, it will bring attention to you.
It was cool when everything was done via cyberspace, but once the cards started hitting the street and people that I know and see everyday started to spread the word about www.servinemup.com I had to begin to prepare myself for the public audience in the real world.
The main thing that started freaking me out a bit was seeing all of these vicious and senseless crimes that are being committed across the globe everyday. And you realize that a lot of the perpetrators of these crimes are literally predators that are on the constant prowl, like a raving wolf, seeking to devour.
One of the most misunderstood thing about the Christian faith, is that people too often mistake meekness for weakness. Turn the other cheek never meant letting somebody beat me up. There is one faith, one Baptism and one Savior, but everyone has their own different ‘twerk’ to how they observe the Word.
Some folks think Jesus meant for us to be radical pacificist..decrying the use of all weapons and violence and refusing to own any firearms.
I’m not that kinda Believer. Both my parents are from a neck of the woods known as Union County, Arkansas. And if you don’t understand anything else about being Black in Arkansas in the 40’s and 50’s, you gotta understand their need for guns and Bibles. Every house had those two things in it. Usually a lot more than 1.
From defending against bobcats trying to sneak into the chicken coop, to having something to let those drunken rednecks know that you ain’t no easy win..a black man had to keep a gun close to him in Arkansas. Especially back off in them woods.
So yeah..I fully recognize that putting myself out there, not only my image, but exposing the reason for my faith to a general public is very revealing. And you never know what evil is lurking, ready to assault and attack on any and everything that is putting out positive energy into the universe.
But what I do know..is that this feeling that I have inside of me..is like a steadily growing fire. It had been smoldering for years, but once I started feeding it the Word on a daily basis, it started growing. Next thing you know, I have a little light that’s shining out there into the darkness. I feel that God has annointed me to be His servant. And you know what God says about His annointed right?
Touch not my annointed and do my prophet no harm - Psalm 105:15
People who read servinemup.com are coming up to me and asking me questions about the Bible.
What does the Bible say about when yo wife don’t want to give you none?
The Law forbids having sexual relations during a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Naww! I’m not talking about when she has that time of the month, I’m talking about when she don’t want to give you none just cuz she don’t feel like it.
Oh..well, an obedient and submissive wife isn’t supposed to deny her husband in bed.
See! That’s what um tawkin’ bout!! Here it is, she steady going to church and telling me I’m a heathen, but here it is SHE ain’t even taking care of ME like that Bible tells her too!
C’mon now..you tripping.
What?? What do you mean I’m tripping? She’s the one tripping!!
C’mon now..you go out to the strip club 5 nights a week, sometimes during lunch..you don’t think your wife thinks you’re fooling around?
Mane..I just be going in there for the buffet! The food be good!
Well..whateva. All I know is that if you want your woman to be down for you in the bedroom, you gotta make her feel like she can trust you. If you got her up there worried about how many other women you been sleeping around with, then you’re going to miss out on a lot of blessings she could give you.
I’m telling you mane..my wife trusts me!!
Oh yeah? Well how often do you compliment your wife?
Compliment her for what??
For her hair, for how she treats you, for how she takes care of the kids?
It ain’t nothing to compliment her about, her hair look the same like it always has, she treats me like shit and my kids go be stupid cuz all they do is sit up and watch TV all day with her!
Whoa. Let me stop there, because before you know it, I’m going to get about 20 calls from different people talking about, ‘Mane..don’t be putting MY business on the internet!”
The good news is that God has blessed me to be a voice for Him. When the LORD hits you with the conviction to uplift His name, you ain’t go be able to do nothing else. Sometimes when I’m in church and I’m sitting there being fed by the Spirit of the LORD through singing, praise and worship, I say a silent prayer, thanking the LORD for the opportunity to serve Him, because I didn’t have to make it to this point. There are a lot of pitfalls I could have fallen into along my journey, but He kept me and I will continually praise His name.
I was walking over to sit next to one of my first Sunday School teachers one Sunday and when I sat down next to him, he looked at me and smiled and patted my hand. I had just returned from the podium from giving the announcements and welcome of visitors at our 11 o’clock service. My teacher leaned over to me and said..
I’ve always had high hopes for you…you were a smart young man.
Thank you Brother Wallace.
Just let Him use you..just let Him use you.
Those simple 5 words..just let Him use you. It’s a plea toward submitting to the will of the LORD. We all have our reluctances and reasons why we ain’t ready for all that yet. But once I gave up looking for reasons why I couldn’t join the battlefield, and instead started looking up for THE reason to join the battlefield, that’s when I started penning things like Soldiers In the Hood.
A couple of my friends started tweaking a bit when I started writing with an evangelical voice. Trying to make n’gaz understand why I know that Jesus is LORD, it started throwing some of my friends off. Especially the ones who had already put Christians and everything associated with Christianity in a box with all the other religious zealots. A lot of people falsely assume that only 'ministers' are supposed to tell others about Christ.
Mane D…you go start preaching!
Naw..I already have.
When I sit in church and I meditate on the LORD..and I ask Him to use me..as I meditate on surrendering my soul to Him, I often find that my favorite part of service is when it’s time to get into that Word. When the minister gets up to give the sermon of what thus saith the LORD.
That’s when my mouth starts watering and my stomach starts growling..it’s time to eat.

And as I sit and listen to different ministers, I pray for the LORD to prove my heart and direct my path. And I immensely enjoy hearing good preaching. It doesn’t have to be loud and he don’t’ have to sing or dance, I just like hearing God’s prophets feed the flock.
Since I’m still relatively new to the faith, maybe God has me in training, maybe I’ve got to learn more, maybe I’ve got to understand better, before He calls me to get up and address the congregation? I dunno. All I know, is that my ear is attentive to His command. And where He calls me, I must go.
The ministry that He has placed on my heart, and that pulpit He has bid me to step on , is to that sea of young parents and parents to be in the world. My wife and kids are a large part of my testimony and the reason that I was able to mature to where I am today.

A lot of people see me and my wife and they exclaim ‘What a handsome couple!’, (it’s good when you have a wife that looks so good that she makes you look better!) but what so many people don’t see, is the story behind our smiles. We weren’t always hugging each other and smiling with feelings of loves. I was my wife’s baby daddy before I was her husband. We’ve survived through some episodes when the doctor had pulled the plug on our relationship..flatline. The LORD came through with that CPR like no other..and I’m just glad to be here telling ya’ll why I know that He’s real.
And now that we’re here..now that we've made it to this level of security and love for each other...I know God wants us to let the world know that you can do ALL things through Christ. Not some.
So I placed all my fears and worries about the safety of my family in the hands of the LORD and I moved on. God hasn’t told me to get rid of all my guns yet though. I live on the Southside, we still have a lot of crackheads and jackers around here.
So yeah..that’s David Earl Washington II. Notice that’s not a ‘Jr.’ and it’s not the “III”. It’s the Roman numeral for two. People ask me why is it the II and not Jr and I remind them that kings don’t do the junior thang.

My father is a king and I’ve always grown up knowing that I will have my throne to sit on one day too. A man’s house is his castle. I’m the king, my wife is the queen and our children are our little slaves. I’m just joking about that. I love my children..ALL of em. My nieces, my nephew, my godson’s, my cousins, just like Trick Daddy, D. Wash luv da kids!
And I know that it is our responsibility to train them in the way that they should go. Get them ready for that battlefield that they’re going to face. That’s why I write. That’s why I must tell people about Jesus. Because there is no other name under Heaven that will save our families today. In case ya’ll haven’t noticed, the family as we know it is in critical condition and on the verge of flatlining.
So many kids have NO IDEA what it means to have two loving God fearing parents taking care of them everyday. So the grow up and they just don’t know. Literally raising themselves. Finding their own way through the wilderness without a strong guide and mentor. And then these untrained children are growing up to have their own children. And since no one ever taught them, they don’t know how to teach their own and the cycle intensifies.
It ain’t all about single parent household either. Cuz there’s a lot of married folks living under one roof who are married in name and residence only. They do not function as one unit. She got her money, he got his money and they co-habitate. This ain’t helping the kids either. Kids can tell when mommy and daddy ain’t getting along with each other.
So..that’s where I am. My pen is focused on the family. I don’t’ write for a ‘church’or ‘G’ rated audience. With my slang and subject matter, I’m more of a rated R writer. Some folks trip on that, but they just don’t know, if I would have been putting it down on the paper, say 10 years ago? Then I would have been rated triple XXX..hmph..ya feel me?
So ya’ll religious zealots back up off me. I’m not what I’m going to be, but thank the LORD I ain’t what I used to be.
I’m just a weird dude, my favorite comedian is Richard Pryor, I love to read and study the Bible, I know the lyrics to a lot of rap songs like, UGK’s ‘Pocket full of stones’,
I got my first ki, from my baby mama brother..
And I love taking care of my family and serving the LORD. I’m from the Southside of Houston (Sugarvalley!) and both of my parents migrated here in the mid 60’s from Arkansas.
My sister and I spent our summers in Arkansas..with most of that time being spent in a small town with the population a little over 500 people. Country folks as most people call em. So I guess since we spent 3 months a year there, you could say I’m 75% Southside and 25% Arkansas. That’s the twerk in me that a lot of people don’t pick up right away. I’ve got that country in me mane..and I ain’t even tripping about it. In fact, I’m GLAD it’s there..because I know it’s real.
When I wrote Soul Food, a lot of people can identify with a pot of greens, but I’m talking about them people who know how to grow them greens. Something that’s real.
So please bear with me as I round that last curve in the race to finish my first published work. I know I haven’t been posting regularly, but my schedule has gotten very tight. I guess I figure a lot of people are like me when it comes to reading. The things I like, I read over and over again. Sometimes I catch a new meaning or a hidden joke that I didn’t notice before.
I’ve been pushing my pen on the block for a minute now. My wife and I got down with Don Diego at Stone Trail up in Addison, Texas .

We went to the Chris Rock concert and ran into the Mad Hatta and J-Mac.
My podna hooked us up with some scrimmage tickets and I wrote the Oiler Texan Connection.

Curvey and I slid over to the Shrine of the Black Madonna and I met and took a picture with J.L. King. Some weird things started happening after I posted On the Down Low. Some folks were mad that I would even give time and space to such a throwed off phenomena as undercover male homosexuality. Some folks even questioned MY sexual preference.
On the other end were people who were upset that I wasn’t more open minded toward gay issues. Which further proves, that the only true formula for failure is when you try and please everybody.
Through my writing, I have only introduced two works which could be categorized as ‘fiction.’ I first introduced Rev. Janky to the world via The Rules of Flirting.
Church Flirting
Good morning Sis. Truett..how are YOU doing??
Just fine Rev. Janky..and you?
I’m blessed, I’m blessed..(grabbing both of her hands and looking from her toes up to her eyes while shaking his head slowly and smiling displaying a gold toothed grill) Lawd have mercy! You sure ARE blessed!! I gotta get me one of these good Sunday hugs!
You’re so crazy Rev. Janky. (hugging him)
Uh huh..just make sure you come see me during my office hours this week..I might need to ‘lay hands’ on you…(watching her intently as she walks away) Lawd Lawd Lawd..God is SO good!!
The second fictitious character I introduced was DJ Get-Wit-Cha in ‘After the Morning After’ and my first published work of short fiction was Rev Janky Jus Got Outta Jail.
Some people even asked me if Rev. Janky was a real person.
Although I do have the tendency to clown and enjoy myself, I don’t want people to misunderstand me and think that I’m playing with the LORD. I not only respect the LORD, I fear Him immensely.
I jumped into the socio-political fray with Adam and Eve Were Iraqi’s and Born With a Grip.
I jumped into theological discussion with the Reason for the Season
I introduced my great grandmother to the world through my discussion on Power..
Ya’ll hursh now! God is talking.So I’m here now. And I now that the site has grown, some of my family and friends have started to get a little antsy.
Some are upset because I haven’t shown their name or their picture yet..some are almost having conniptions worrying that I
will show their picture or refer to their name.
The thing about privacy, is that I try to respect every person’s right to it. But the legal way of looking at things, is that if I have a picture that I took with my own camera that somebody posed for? Then it’s mine. Nyahh-nyahh!!! (sticking my tongue out and giving a good ol raspberry)
Of course, just because someone has appeared or been referred to on this website, doesn’t mean that they believe what I believe. Everybody has their own walk with the LORD. All I know is that one day, ALL of us are going to have to give an account of ourselves and what you see right here is a n’ga getting his paper
work together for that Eternal Judgment. Ya feel me?